Page 34 of Filthy Liar
She lifts her gaze, her lips pressing together. I watch as she rolls them a few times, then she lets out a sigh. “I can’t tell you any medical information about another patient.”
My heart slams against my chest at the thought of something happening to Atomic. If King is worried, he doesn’t show it. “But he’s my brother,” he states.
She smiles and shakes her head once. “Your last name is Stanley. Also, his brother, Evan Hughes, is in the waiting room. So I find that hard to believe. You can ask his brother about his health status. I cannot give you anything. The doctor will be in shortly to see you both and discuss your own health statuses.”
Without another word, she leaves us alone. I look at King. I now see that he’s concerned. “What the fuck happens now?” I ask.
He snorts. “We talk to the brothers, and we get our shit straight before the cops show up because I have a feeling that nurse is about to fucking call them.”
“Jesus Christ,” I hiss.
“No fucking shit.”
Days pass.
Too many.
One. Two. Three.
Making my way to work, I let out a sigh. I haven’t heard from Humble at all, and I can’t deny that as each hour passes that I don’t hear from him, my heart aches a little more. I become a bit sadder with each passing moment.
I thought I was lonely before, but I realize now that even in that short time together, a part of me was complete—for the first time in my life. Not even my secret lover could fulfill me the way Humble did.
I walk into the bar and head toward the gambling room to put my things away when I hear my name being called. Turning my head, I look over to see Kyle walking swiftly toward me.
As soon as I register the expression on her face, I pause. No. I don’t just pause. I freeze in place. Her feet carry her quickly over to me. Then her arms wrap around my shoulders as she hugs me.
I know that my body is stiff. I don’t know what is happening, but it’s clear she is upset about something. But then she whispers against my ear, “I’m so sorry to hear about Clink.”
Taking a step backward, I look into her eyes. I can’t move because she’s saying something about Humble, and she appears really sad, and I’m trying to figure out if it’s pity or something else.
“What about Clink?” I demand, my voice barely above a whisper.
She looks down at her shoes, then slowly lifts her gaze to meet mine. “You don’t know?” she asks. “Nobody called you?”
“Don’t know what?”
I’m finding myself on edge, impatient, and ready to lose my shit on Kyle. Her tongue slips out and slides across her bottom lip before she nods her head as if she’s making some kind of decision within herself.
“Atomic, King, and Clink were stabbed two days ago in Knoxville. King and Clink were released late this afternoon.”
My breath hitches and my heart stops in my chest as I stare at Kyle in complete shock. I don’t know what to do, where to go, what to say. I want to turn and run. I want to sprint and race to him. But at the same time, he didn’t even call me. Kyle knows what happened to him, but Humble didn’t even tell me.
“Wow,” I whisper. I don’t know what to say, so I decide not to say anything.
“Dillion?” Kyle calls out when I don’t give her much of a reaction.
I hum, flicking my gaze to meet hers. “Yeah?” I ask.
I know I sound as distracted as I feel, but I don’t know what else to say. My mind is swimming, buzzing, swirling with thoughts, and I can’t control them. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to say or do.
Instead, I stay quiet and wait for her to say whatever is on the tip of her tongue because I know she has something she wants to say to me. She sinks her teeth into the corner of her bottom lip, then clears her throat before she rocks back on her heels.
“You don’t seem upset,” she points out.
“I am,” I say. “But I don’t know what to do. I don’t know where he is. I don’t know anything.”