Page 48 of Embracing Trust
She continues, “I’m not big on using a lot of high-tech photo editing software. I like natural photos, but this one was kind of an experiment for fun. I’ve sold a few of them. And I tried to do something really cool with the frame.”
I remove the picture from where it hangs. “How much is it? I like it and I want to buy it.”
Julia lets out a snort and gives me a light punch in the bicep. “Don’t be ridiculous. I have prints of it at home plus a ton of frames to choose from.”
We go through every aisle of The Artisan, and I’m amazed by the local talent. Woodworking, quilts, paintings, ironworks—everything imaginable is in this shop. And I love the idea of the locals being able to bring in some profit for themselves and to support Lucy’s shop.
I hold the door open for Julia and we leave Lucy’s shop. The sky has darkened and the sunny sky from earlier has disappeared and is replaced with clouds. The humidity clings in the air.
Julia’s eyebrows draw together as she looks skyward. “I didn’t know we had any chance for rain today.”
“Probably just a quick shower. Were you still gonna take me for that drink?”
“Absolutely.” Julia grins. “All this shopping’s made me thirsty.”
The restaurant is quiet and since it’s mid-afternoon, there are only a few diners. Round tables fill the area. Each is covered with a white tablecloth. Red cloth napkins, a single red rose in a vase and several votive candles sit at each table. This place reminds me of an old Italian restaurant in a movie. We’re seated in the back of the restaurant in a booth. Julia slides in and I sit on the same side.
“I’m a little hungry,” Julia says with a grin. “They have the best mozzarella sticks in here and the marinara dipping sauce is awesome.”
“Sounds good. And you know me, I can always eat.”
Julia orders for us. Although a beer sounds tempting, I stick with sweetened iced tea—a summer favorite.
“So, how’s it been staying with Patrick and Lydia?” Julia takes a drink of her lemonade and moans. “I love their lemonade. How’s the tea?”
I take a drink. “Good.” I set my glass down. “I’m thankful for them. Patrick giving me the job and helping me get back on my feet. And for Lydia too. She’s great. Not everyone would be a fan of having their brother-in-law in the house.”
“And you like the work you’re doing?”
I take a bite of the cheese stick, chew, and swallow. “I do. It’s been a good variety. I do some physical labor, but I also spend a lot of time driving around to the job sites, checking on subs, and the progress. He has jobs going on in so many areas that he can’t check on everything. Next week he’s going to take me to a few of the jobs and introduce me to the homeowners. Those will be my jobs.” I put air quotes around ‘my jobs’ as I tell her about it.
“Well, Patrick obviously trusts you and your ability. I’m glad you’re enjoying the work.”
After we finish our food and drinks, I pay the bill and we leave the restaurant. When we step outside, Julia gasps. The sky has darkened even more, and it looks like a storm is about to roll in. And it isn’t just in the sky, Julia is moving into my heart like a fast-moving storm.
Chapter Twenty-one
When we step outside, my mouth drops open. The breeze has picked up and the sky is black.
“Wow, that came up in a hurry.” I examine the darkened clouds. “You think we can make it back before the rain hits?”
Ryan steps away from the building and checks the sky in all directions. His eyebrows draw together. He pulls out his cellphone and opens a weather app. “Maybe, but we should probably head back now.”
I study the sky and I’m fascinated by the quick-moving clouds.
Ryan takes my hand, and we make our way down the cobblestone sidewalk to the steps that descend to the sand. We start the long trek back to my house and make quick work of our steps. The sky continues to darken as the clouds swirl.
“Talk about the perfect storm,” Ryan says as he studies his phone. “Everything all came together, and the elements were just right.”
My heart pounds in my chest as I ponder his words.Everything all came together, and the elements were just right.Are the elements just right with Ryan? I can’t deny my feelings for him any longer. Spending today with him has only solidified how much I care for him.
We make quick work of our trip back to the beach house. Ryan slows down occasionally to look at his phone and a fat raindrop hits my cheek.
“Uh-oh,” I say as I look toward the sky.
A few more drops fall from the blackened sky. “We better move a little faster.”