Page 59 of Embracing Trust
On the drive over to the folks, I have the windows down in the truck. The air is cooling off and the radio is cranked to my favorite station. Maybe if the opportunity presents itself—and depending on who the guest is, of course—I may give my parents a heads-up that Julia and I are seeing each other. They’re not necessarily going to have a problem with our relationship, but they will have questions. Are we serious? Am I living at her house? Do I plan on working with Patrick for the foreseeable future? I’m still trying to fit back into a life I left behind when I joined the military. Patrick and Lydia encourage me to take my time to figure everything out which means more to me than they’ll ever know. Their support has gotten me through some rough days.
When I pull into the driveway at my parents’ house, I see a car I don’t recognize.
Oh great. The mystery guest isn’t one of my brothers. Who’s my surprise?
I take the front porch steps two at a time, tap on the door, and step into the foyer. Once I’m inside, the delicious aroma of Mom’s homecooked meal permeates my senses. Besides the smell of the food, everything is familiar–like home just reaches out and grabs me in a firm embrace, welcomes me. The stately grandfather clock that belonged to our Irish ancestors remains proudly in our foyer—as the hours and days continue to march on. The antique dishes in the oak display case rattle slightly as I take a few steps through the foyer.
“Hello?” I call out.
“Back here,” Mom answers from the kitchen.
I make my way to the kitchen and Mom sits at the kitchen table. Mom’s guest has her back toward me, but I’d recognize those dark locks anywhere.
My chest feels like a ratchet is squeezing me—one notch at a time.
Aubree turns around to face me. A hundred pounds of concrete drops on my shoulders.
“Ryan.” Aubree stands, hurries to me, and wraps her arms around my waist.
My arms hang loosely at my sides, and I take a step back. “Aubree…Hey…. what’re doing here?”
Aubree smiles. “I’m here for a visit, silly.” Her smile seems almost sneaky. Calculated.
I blink and close my eyes for a few seconds. When I open them, I realize this isn’t a dream. “What a surprise.” I force a smile.
Mom interrupts my thoughts. “Aubree is in town, Ryan. She called me this afternoon and said she wanted to surprise you. She told me all about the time you spent together while you were in North Carolina. Isn’t that so nice?”
Fucking great, Mom. Just great.
“Are you surprised?” Aubree asks as her gaze holds mine and she licks her lips.
“You could say that.” I rub my chin.
“Your father is on his way. We’ll be eating in about thirty minutes.”
“Sounds good, Mom.” I keep my tone light. My emotions are mixed in a blender right now. I’m surprised as hell to see her, puzzled why she’s here, and upset she took it upon herself to visit my family without telling me.
My lip curls and I grit my teeth hard enough they might crumble under the pressure. I turn to Aubree. “How about we sit on the porch and catch up?”
“We’re going outside, Kate,” Aubree says to Mom.
Who the hell does she think she is? Talking to Mom like they’re best friends. Geez, I dated Julia all through high school and I never heard her call Mom by her first name.
My throat burns. Once we’re outside, I close the front door behind us and Aubree plops down on the family’s porch swing. I face her and take a deep whiff. The sweet aroma of Mom’s blossoms in clay pots that align the porch fills the air. I hope the scent will calm me.
“What are you doing here?” I ask her again.
“Well, if you’d answer my texts and phone calls, I wouldn’t have had to come here.” She flips her long locks behind her shoulder.
“I’ve been busy. What’s so important that you’d show up at my family’s house?” I shake my head. “How’d you find it anyway?”
Aubree smiles, almost as if there’s victory in her expression. “It’s not like there’s a lot of McCormick’s in Hamilton.”
She looks so comfortable as she sways on my family’s porch swing—like she fits in here somehow. I give my knuckles a good crack and cross my arms on my chest. “What are you doing here?”
Aubree’s smile disappears. “You better sit down.” She pats the vacant spot on the porch swing.
What the hell is she up to?