Page 4 of Caveman Alien's Touch
“This is my friend Bronwen,” Piper says. “Bronwen, this is Noker, our clansbrother from the Foundling camp.”
“Greetings,” Bronwen chirps, showing signs of prey nervousness, as if she thinks I’ll attack her.
“I won’t…” I begin, but my tongue fails me halfway through. “Harm you,” I feebly manage.
There’s a moment of stunned silence while I wish I could bite that tongue in half.
“Brother Nokerisdangerous,” Brak finally says, giving my shoulder a friendly slap. “He’s a master with that spear he’s holding. And most people he meets think he might hunt them down for sport. But he’s much gentler than he looks.”
“I think Noker look kind,” Bronwen says with an irresistible alien lilt. “Not I think would harm me, Noker.” Her bright, but warm voice has a huskiness to it I swear I can feel in my gut. And further down, too.
“Oh,” I croak. “I will not, Bronwen.” Brak told me the new alien names, and I spent a good while practicing them on the way here. The name ’Bronwen’ is certainly harder to say than ‘Piper’ or ‘Alba’, although I dread meeting the woman Astrid and having to attempt sayingthatname.
Bronwen rewards me with a smile that makes the sun shine in my mind. Her eyes are dark brown, the most wonderful color I’ve ever seen, making them warm and intensely beautiful. I swear I can see my own reflection in them, so clear are they. Her smooth hair hangs down the sides of her forehead and is gathered behind one small ear on each side.
“Noker and I were just talking about the totem wall,” Brak says with a relaxed ease that I envy. “And we wonder, when will the other women be painted on it?”
Piper nods. “I’ve been asking the same thing. My face is all alone up there.”
“Bryar is the artist,” Bronwen points out. “She decide when she paint. Noker, I want show something you.” She reaches out to take my hand.
I’m so surprised by it that I let her, without recoiling the way I should. Her hand is cool and soft in mine.
“I… can be shown.” What in the darkest stars is happening to my mind? Suddenly I can only speak gibberish.
“Please show him what you told me about,” Piper says and takes Brak’s hand. “I will show Brak something else.”
I watch in wonder as the small woman pulls my big, half-irox clansbrother towards the stairs, and he follows along with a happy look on his face.
“He looks like aprektipup following its mother,” I say under my breath.
“I not understand,” Bronwen says with a frown on her little face. “I still not learn speak well.”
“You speak well enough,” I tell her, finally gathering my wits. “What is it you want to show me?”
She lets go of my hand and points to the gate. “Is outside.”
“Ah.” We walk towards the gate, and it opens for us without any of the guards speaking a word to us. Well, we are both outtribers. I don’t like the looks they give us, and I have noted that none of the Borok tribesmen came over to talk to Brak and me. It’s no surprise, of course. We are Foundlings.
Bronwen stops right outside the gate. “Is safe here?”
“The jungle? It’s safe if you’re quiet and if you stay close to me.” I show her my spear, as if she hasn’t been able to see it before.
“I hope you not annoyed for I drag you out,” she whispers. “Piper and Brak been apart for days. They need time when others are not there.”
“Of course,” I nod, not sure what she means, but able to guess. “They need time.”
“The thing I want you show is there,” she says softly and points along the outside of the wall. “On other side of village.” She walks ahead of me.
I follow at a couple of paces’ distance. Seeing her from this angle is even more pleasant. Her hips are wide and round, and her behind moves in a most charming way that resonates in my crotch.
I don’t recognize her clothing, but it looks alien. Her legs are almost completely clad in a pale blue garment with many rips and tears where her skin shows between white strands. Of course there are no holes in the most interesting places. On her upper body she wears a baggy, gray thing with a sort of hat attached, hanging down her back.
On her feet she has only sandals, like I’ve seen some tribers wear. I have never worn anything on my feet, and Brak only wore boots because he didn’t want his irox legs to show. Now, he no longer cares.
Bronwen attracts my eyes so much that I know I’m not being as alert as one must be in the jungle. A Big or Small could attack at any time. But hopefully they are careful this close to the Borok village.
Bronwen turns as if to check if I’m there, giving me a nervous little smile before she goes on, making far too much noise with each step. Her face is oval and smooth, with a cute little nose that has a kink in it about halfway down the ridge. Light colored hair with a tinge of brown frames her face wonderfully. White teeth glint when she talks, and her lips are full and wide. One side of her mouth is always turned up, giving her a look of constant amusement.