Page 23 of Alien Peacock
“No,” I croak, straightening up with a mobilization of all my willpower. “We have to get out of here. If we stay, we’ll never leave.”
She comes in close and puts both hands on my bare chest. “We’ll just stay for a little while. Just enough time to…” She gulps.
With another great feat of willpower, I grab her wrist and drag her along, through the humid greenery, trying my best to ignore all the other scents and keeping Maeve’s in the center of myattention. That doesn’t do anything to alleviate my arousal, but at least I don’t lose control of my own mind.
Making my way through the plants is not that hard. None of them have thorns or seem to be poisonous, so I stomp through the foliage and only walk around the thickest stems and the heaviest clusters of branches and flowers hanging down from above. I can’t seem to get rid of the dizziness, and I often have to steady myself on the plants I pass.
For an observer it must look like I’m drunk or on drugs, staggering through the jungle with a beautiful female in tow.
The terrain appears to rise and we’re going uphill. That may be a good sign. Perhaps the exit from this crazy place is located higher in the room.
Clusters of strong-smelling flowers stroke along my face, dripping with fertile fluids. The tiny insects hum incessantly, their buzzing wings carrying them to and fro. I try to see if they converge on any one place that might indicate an exit, but all the smells and the intense arousal make it impossible for me to concentrate on anything other than not letting the onslaught paralyze me.
I’m hyper aware of Maeve’s little hand in mine, the way our palm sweat mixes to an exotic concoction in the same way I’dloveto mix other fluids with hers.
“Areliooonnnnn…” Maeve whines behind me, yanking at her hand. “Can’t we stop? Just lie down and… touch? Just for a while. Look, there’s grass…”
I force myself to not look where she’s pointing. The last thing we need now is an alluring clearing with soft grass.
I start hearing the cheerful clucking of running water. Perhaps there’s a pond where I can soak my head and maybe rinse the strongest of these smells out of my sinuses.
I go on up the hill, Maeve in tow. The air gets heavier and the scents more intense the higher we get. The air is so thick it feels like I could cut it with a knife. It’s like breathing in a sticky fluid. My willpower is weakening fast. Any moment now I’ll give in to my impulses, twirl Maeve into my arms, and kiss her deeply.
“This is an insane experiment,” I growl. “The pheromones in the air are so strong they must violate every biological weapons treaty in the galaxy!”
“‘Violate’,” Maeve groans thinly behind me, her voice full of need. “I like that word so much…”
My crotch is so hard I’m walking awkwardly. Why would anyone manufacture pants thistight,with absolutely no give in the fabric?!
The sound of running water is closer now. Surely there can’t be a fountain up here?
There isn’t. As I push aside a great curtain of hanging vines overstrewn with blue blossoms, I spot a small waterfall straight ahead. Tiny drops twinkle like gems in the white light.
There’s a small pond that seems to have formed naturally. Behind the waterfall there’s a bit of bare metal that I think must be part of the basic structure of the room. It looks like the original watering system of the place has broken, and this waterfall is the result.
I drag Maeve over to the pond, trying to ignore how soft the grass feels under my boots and how nice it would be to lie on, or to lay someone down on... “We can drink and cool down.”
“Such a nice place!” Maeve exclaims. “Let’s stay here, Arelion.”
I check the water, making sure it is in fact water and that it’s not close to boiling or freezing. Then I kneel down on the bank and splash some into my face. It’s pleasant, but it does nothing for my excitement. I take a few small sips. The water has a sweet taste to it, but I don’t think it’s poisonous.
Having established that, I drink more. It’s been several hours since I last had any kind of drink.
Finally I put my whole head under and inhale through my nose, desperate to get rid of the dangerously potent chemicals in the air.
It seems to work, and when I pull my head out of the water, my mind feels slightly clearer.
“It should be safe,” I state as I wipe my face and lean back. “But don’t drink too much?—”
“I need a bath,” Maeve chirps. She’s taken off her clothing and dropped it on the grass, and now she steps into the pond wearing only two small, black garments in the most crucial places.
The sight of her almost naked body astounds me. She’s the most attractive and alluring female I’ve ever seen. Her pale skin shines in the white light, smooth and soft-looking as she stands to her hips in the water, splashing it for fun. Her hair has an artful messiness to it; her bones are interestingly visible in certain places and hidden in others. In some places, her musclesand sinews work and flex, while in others they're all completely hidden behind a layer of charming softness.
And, I notice with a shock that almost makes my knees buckle under me, she has no Mark on her. Not a trace of a Mark anywhere! She’s unclaimed!
My crotch tries to swell more, but it’s just not possible. Instead, a hot flush goes through me.
Imusthave that female. If I don’t, I’ll explode.