Page 69 of Alien Peacock
I fire the ray gun over their heads, creating a white beam of ionized air that slowly fades.
They stop. “There’s no need for this,” says the Merlot–colored one. “We just want to invite you for some hospitality.”
“In a cell,” I state drily, fully abandoning any hope that they are my friends at all. “Yes, I’ve heard of that.”
“Not at all,” he goes on from about thirty feet away. “It’s a sincere invitation.”
“I decline your invitation,” I tell him. “Now I inviteyouto let me go back to my ship.” They were clearly waiting for me, which means all chances of surprise or stealth are gone. If Tara is here, I now have no way to get to her unseen.
“Regrettably, I can’t,” says the darkest Eoan. “I am Cariolio, by the way. May I call you Maeve?”
The Fresks by the hangar aren’t budging. Can I shoot all three and then run out there without these Eoans catching up with me? “You will not need to call me anything. I’m leaving.”
There’s suddenly movement above me, as well as a soft beating of big wings.
A weighted net drops on me. It’s so heavy that I fall forwards, only managing to fire the gun straight up before I get so entangled I can’t move.
There’s a deep yelp of pain from above, and the flying Eoan lands heavily between me and the three others. He keeps his wings folded out and crouches down, clearly in pain. “Murderous bitch!”
Cariolio strides over to me. “No, let’s not use words like that. It’s perfectly understandable that a military agent tries to do as much damage as she can.” He peers down at me. “Sorry it had to come to this. But we did give you a chance to come freely.”
The two others lift me and the net between them and carry me along. I try to get a better grip on my gun, but the net moves by itself and makes it impossible for me to change my position.
I make sure my left hand can reach my right wrist, though. The hard square under the skin there gives me an ice cold peace of mind. I can end both this and my abductors any time I want. But first I have to see where this is going
They carry me through the space station. It’s practically completely deserted, I notice. All I see is cells and cages. It’s a perfect place for criminals and slave traders like this. They’re obviously not Arelion’s men, but they may well have some connection to his enemy, Buroteo.
The Eoans take me to a large, open room. It’s dimly lit, but I spot a podium by one wall. It could be a place where auctions were held. Say, slave auctions.
There’s a row of cages along one wall.
Two of them release the net and roll it up into a sphere the size of a golf ball. They take my gun and the fighting stick, then hold me firmly between them.
“Take your stinking hands off me,” I spit, having to fight backsomehow.
“You wonder what’s happening,” Cariolio says, ignoring my outburst. “Some of it should be obvious.”
Like the fact that they were waiting for me, which means that I was betrayed. Again.
“And everything else will become clear when my boss arrives,” he goes on. “For now, be satisfied that what happens from nowon is partly up to you. It would be wise to cooperate. This can actually end somewhat well for you.”
I don’t believe a word.
They open a cage and shove me in, then slam the door shut with a resoundingclank.
They walk away, but they leave a Fresk to keep an eye on me.
“Shit,”I sum up the situation to myself.
“It’s not great,” a voice agrees from somewhere in the room. InEnglish.
I throw myself at the bars on the front of the cage. “Tara?!”
“Hey, Maeve. They said you were coming. I was really wishing you weren’t.” It’s definitely Tara’s voice. But I can’t see her.
“Where are you?”
“I’m in a cage on your left, two levels up. Don’t tell me anything that should be secret. I think they have translators that understand English.”