Page 19 of Death is My BFF
All the D&S Tower needed was Batman perched on top of it to complete the menacing matte-black steel superstructure. The modern skyscraper was one of the most visited buildings in the city, gaining popularity from the Star family and their iconic advertisements.
After I pulled open heavy glass doors, the building swallowed me into the enormous lobby. Suspended from the high ceiling was an ornate chandelier, which dangled elegantly between massive trees.
There were freakingtreesin here.
Obscured by their large trunks were two escalators with cascading wall fountains on either side. Black marble with flecks of gold covered the walls and floors. I stood there in awe far longer than I should have. Attractive men and women strutted along the lobby with purpose, carrying designer briefcases and purses, laughing, smiling. Their beautiful, tanned faces never looked in my direction, as if I were invisible to them.
Even when I stand out like a sore thumb, I’m still invisible.
I thought I’d dressed appropriately for the meeting, until I saw everyoneelse’ssumptuous business attire. The plain black slacks that I discovered in the dusty corner of my mother’s closet had a teeny tiny hole in the crotch. Marcy’s bloodred American Apparel blouse fit snugly on my chest, the button right above my cleavage threatening to burst any moment. Paired with last night’s black heels, matching jewelry, and a reserved amount of eyeliner and lipstick, I feigned an important role among the gorgeous, graceful,qualifiedworkers at the D&S Tower.
Crossing the lobby, I entered an elevator. There wasnothingI hated more than elevators. And of course, Devin’s office was the penthouse suite, the eighty-eighth floor of the enormous building.
Gripping the steel hand bar behind me, I shut my eyes, concentrating on the eerie elevator music.Claustrophobic box from hell.
The doors opened and I all but threw myself out. A pleasant autumn scent of freshly cut green apples and cinnamon welcomed me to a modernized yet cozy reception area.
A beautiful redheaded woman was perched behind a raised wrap-around desk. As I approached her, she peered at me for a moment and continued to type away. Her metal name plate readTiara Reid.
“Hi, I’m here for Devin Star?”
“I’m here for an appointment with Mr. Star,” I spoke louder.
“Are you his secretary?”
More typing.
I cleared my throat. “Hello?”
She hit one last key with her talonlike red nails, swinging her cold eyes to me. “I’m Mr. Star’sreceptionist.” Hostility saturated her voice, as if I was aggravating her by my mere presence. “Name.”
I was taken aback by her snippiness but held my own. “Williams.
Faith Williams.” I cringed inwardly at my accidental 007 reference.
Tiara reached under her desk and smacked a small pack of D&S
Tower tissues in front of me. “These are for you.” She smiled. It didn’t reach her eyes. “May I offer you a complimentary glass of D&S
Tower Detox Water?”
“No, thank you. Wait, why the tissues—”
“Please, have a seat,” she cut in. “He’ll be with you shortly.”
A loud crash, followed by a girlish cry, jolted me into awareness.
My attention darted to the source, yet another thick glass door next to Tiara’s desk. Devin’s office, I assumed. The blinds were drawn tight.
“You’ll need the tissues soon.” Tiara’s tight-lipped smirk was so nasty it made my skin crawl. Neatly getting up, she slid her hands down her tiny waist and smoothed her maroon skirt.
My tight blouse seemed to restrict my nervous inhale. “Is he ready to see me?”
“Areyouready to seehim?” Another cold smile. Tiara opened the door into Devin’s office, right as a woman with smudged makeup and puffy eyes rushed out, sobbing. The sniffling woman fumbled with a pack of D&S Tower tissues in her hands and muttered incoherently as she flew past me to escape.
“Oookay, then.” I scratched the back of my neck, stunned by that woman’s clear distress in her swift exit. I reminded myself why I was here in the first place. Sure, I had my portfolio and my resume but my sole intention was to ensure my car was getting fixed.