Page 29 of Death is My BFF
“Funny story. I went to the D&S Tower today to get an update on my car from Devin Star.”
Marcy gasped. “You went to the D&S Tower? To see Devin?”
She jumped once. Twice. A third time. “Eeep! What are you waiting for? A role call? Tell me everything!”
“Unfortunately, there’s nothing wonderful to tell. I never met with Devin, I ended up meeting with his son instead.”
“You met . . .DavidStar?” She emitted a high-pitched scream.
“No. Freaking. Way!”
“Well, actually, I met David at Thomas’s party.”
“What?I knew David was the A-lister after the whole car crash thing with his dad, but I thought we both missed him at the party!”
Marcy grabbed the plate of brownies, seized my arm, dragged me into the living room, and threw me down onto the couch. She hopped onto the cushion next to me. “Spill. Now.”
“It couldn’t have been much worse. All I wanted was to get more info on my car, but David interviewed me instead and played all these mind games. The whole thing was so aggravating and degrading.”
“What do you mean, degrading?” She bit into a brownie and chewed fast, as if she were watching a suspenseful film. “What did he do?”
At the memory of the whole ordeal, I had a rush of energy and stood up to pace the length of the room. I rehashed every aspect of the interview.
She glanced at my chest. “You do have great boobs.”
“I mean, ugh, the nerve! Did you make out?”
She wiggled her eyebrows. “Did he cop a feel of your bazookas?”
“Marcy! Stop it!”
“What? David Star isthehottest man to ever grace this planet.
Not to mention, he is worth billions. He is every girl’s fantasy.”
“Sure, but did you hear anything I just said? The man is an arrogant, sexist pig.”
“Didn’t he just donate twenty million dollars to a children’s hospital and help build a bunch of houses in some third world country?”
I glared. “Whose side are you on?”
“Yours!” She looked unsure for a moment. “Definitely yours!”
She held out her palms in front of me. “Let me just spell something out for you. Star is H-O-T, and you are R-E-A-L-L-Y S-I-N-G-L-E.
As your best friend and wingwoman, it is my duty to look at this from every possible angle. That way, you don’t blow a potential once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do the nasty with David Star!”
On the inside, I was about to self-destruct. On the outside, I wore a calm, detached expression. “I need a new wingwoman.”
“I’m not taking his side, Faith,” she insisted. “It sounds like the conversation between you two was a little more playful than you think. Is it possible he was kidding around with you? Maybe flirting?
Off topic, how’d he smell? I heard he smells like a dream and radiates BDE.”
I jokingly pinched her arm and she winced. “Will you cut it out? He wasn’t flirting! He was being an asshole! It was the most humiliating moment of my life. Period. Believe me, I could go on, but my head is pounding with rage.”