Page 47 of Death is My BFF
Listener. Perceptive. Opinionated. Courageous. Vibrant. Doesn’t like tolose, will surrender if her pride is at risk. Will not fangirl over you underany circumstance.
I set the loose-leaf down and a small smile edged my lips. He’d gotten all that by being in a room with me for less than thirty minutes?
Rummaging through the crowd of papers on his desk, I tried to find the source of the sparkle again. Wedged between files lay the end of a dainty silver chain. I began to tug on it when the dim room flashed with light. Through the massive tinted windowpanes, a purple lightning bolt zigzagged across the sky, followed by a muted crash of thunder.
Startled, I honed in on the figure standing in the office doorway.
Droplets of water cascaded down David’s straight nose and full lips.
Sopping wet, his white dress shirt clung deliciously to the hard muscles of his arms and the deep ridges of his abdominals. As I gawked at his physique, he raked his fingers through his chestnut hair, combing it back. My mouth went bone dry.
“What are you doing in here?”
He’s talking to you! Say something, idiot!
“Hey . . . you,” I said.
David checked his watch as he leaned against the doorway. “Did you come here straight from your classes?”
“No, I was home first. Seniors get out at two fifteen. I was hoping to catch you before you left work. I was just, um—”
“Snooping through my office?”
“No, I—well—” I lifted my arms and then let them slap to my sides. “Yes.”
The harsh panels of his face softened. “Find anything juicy?”
“I wish. It’s pretty boring in here. I take it you’re not a fan of livening up the place?”
“Hey, I just moved into this office. Give me time.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “If you’re so disappointed, you should try the bottom left drawer. You will find my stash of Twinkies and a remarkable bag of spicy Funyuns.”
“Is this a test?”
“For the record, I didn’t read any papers on your desk, except the pros and cons list. Didn’t open any drawers, or anything. You can dust for prints.”
He simpered. “Faith, it’s fine. I believe you. I’m really glad you’re here. I was starting to think you were ghosting me.”
Heat climbed up my neck. “I should have texted you before I came by. Now you probably think I’m nuts.”Way to let that cat outof the bag.
“Please, I already thought that. I’ve seen the way you Frog Bog.”
He flashed another warm, attractive grin. But like the previous one, it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
I offered a timid smile in return and wiped my clammy hands on my leggings. Not the finest solution, considering the leggings were damp from the rain.
“It’s brutal out there.” He cast his eyes to the charcoal sky outside. “You should stay here for a while, until the storm clears.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” I plucked at my sodden sweatshirt. “Looks like we both got assaulted by rain, huh?”
As if now getting permission, David raked my frame once. His eyes intensified, but he hid his satisfaction almost impeccably. “You’re shivering. I’ll get you dry clothes.”
I wished I could blurt out an apology and clear the air with a joke, but I felt too shy. It wasn’t in my nature to attack emotional situations so directly. The fact that I had mustered up the courage to travel to the D&S Tower again to see David in person was a big step for me.
Crossing the opposite side of the room in a few strides, David pressed a touch panel in the wall, revealing a hidden door. He disappeared into the doorway and emerged with a stack of clothes. As he neared again, my heart picked up.Apologize already!