Page 46 of The Dragon Maiden
“It’s a Dragon Maiden’s job to care for her Lord, is it not?” I asked, turning back to wash my hands thoroughly in the basin of water. They were filthy and I felt like I would never be clean again, the blood soaking my skin reminding me of that day.
“It is, but this is beyond the call of duty,” Dracul said.
I turned to him, sensing there was more he wanted to say.
“I would like to ask a favor of you,” he said, resting his head on the ground, his eyes level with mine.
“Yes?” I asked when he did not elaborate.
“I prepared a room for you in my quarters before I left, since you and the other Maidens had a falling out,” he said. “I was hoping you could stay and keep an eye on me throughout the night. Just in case something happens.”
I dried off my hands, my mind whirling. “I don’t mind,” I said. “And it’ll make it easier when I have to change your bandages in a couple hours anyway.”
“Very well,” Dracul said. “You can go gather your things and bring them here if you wish.”
Rushing back to the Maiden cavern, my thoughts were a in whirl. Obviously, something had happened at the negotiations with the Starfire clan. Dracul was severely injured. I was glad he had made it back alive, but I had never expected this level of injury.
The other Maidens had gathered already, and all looked up when I entered, their faces tight with worry.
“How is he?” Alonsa asked.
“He’ll survive,” I said, going to my bed to gather my things. “But it will take time for him to recover from his injuries.”
I almost missed the Maidens exchanging a look as I finished gathering my meager belongings together.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Vimery asked accusingly, blocking my path as I started to leave. “Planning on leaving again?”
“No,” I said tersely, not feeling like wasting time arguing with her. “Lord Dracul has prepared a room for me in his cave and asked that I stay there with him instead of here.”
Everyone’s mouths dropped open at my announcement.
“That is unheard of,” Bethany said quietly. “He’s never done something like that before.”
“He’s never had a Maiden before, has he?” I countered, seeing the accusatory looks the others gave me, knowing the assumptions they made. “He’s injured and I’ll have to tend to him throughout the night.” I stepped around Vimery and continued to walk out. “I’ll see you all later. Good night.”
There was no response, and I knew now that I was a complete outcast to the group. They probably would still treat me with respect due to my status, but any chance at getting closer to any of them was now completely gone.
When I returned to Dracul’s chambers, he was in the same spot where I had left him lying on the ground. “Do you have all your things?” he asked, glancing at the lonely pack in my hands, the one I’d brought with me when I first arrived.
“Yes,” I said, moving to check the bandages to ensure all was well. “Everything looks good,” I said in relief. He raised an eyebrow, and I acquiesced, “Well, as good as they could look considering the circumstances.”
“Then you may retire for now,” Dracul said.
“What about you?” I asked. “Are you going to lay on the floor all night?”
“At the moment, I have no other option,” he sighed. “I’m too injured to move much right now and I can’t transform into my human form without disastrous consequences to my wing.”
I walked to the landing and grabbed cushions and blankets, moving them in place under his head. “You can at least have something plush to sleep on,” I said as he looked at me quizzically. After he was settled, I moved to sleep on the couch nearby.
“Valora, I have a room for you,” he objected as he saw me laying down on the couch.
“I will stay here,” I said firmly. “I’m not leaving you alone, not now.”
He gave me a kind gaze, his eyes melting once more, and I felt a heat slice through me. “Very well,” he said, moving to grab a blanket with his teeth and dragging it over my body. “Good night.”
After several moments of silence, I spoke. “Dracul?” I asked quietly, hoping he had not fallen asleep just yet.
“Yes?” he asked after a prolonged pause, his voice sleepy.