Page 49 of The Dragon Maiden
“What’s going to happen now?” I asked. “When they find out that you’re fine, aren’t they going to come here?”
“No,” Dracul growled. “Because we are going to take them by surprise and get rid of Borthen once and for all. We’ve had too many troubles with him, and once he’s out of the way, I’ll be in charge of his clan.” He did not sound happy about the fact, more chagrined, and I knew that he was only doing his duty as High Dragon Lord.
I reached over and gently patted his neck. “Is it bothering you to have to do this?”
“I wouldn’t say I’m looking forward to it,” Dracul said. “But he has become too much of a threat, so it’s my duty to do this.”
I remained silent. There was still so much I did not understand about draconic politics, even after observing Dracul for the past months. I could only hope that whatever plan he had in mind would work, that he would be able to successfully take down Borthen with little issue.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Over the course of the next week, Dracul met with the other Lords to plan a battle strategy, as well as sent messengers to Lord Fangburn asking for the Twisturn clan’s help in attacking Borthen. The other Lord replied immediately that he would devote his forces to the effort, and arrived within two days, along with his officers. From the brief glimpses I got of these visitors, Lord Fangburn was a teal-blue dragon with yellow eyes, while his three officers were maroon, yellow, and brown dragons. They had immediately followed Dracul into the battle room upon their arrival.
Everyone planning the attack holed up in a room for many days, rarely taking time to sleep as they debated the best course of action. Borthen had committed a grievous act in attacking Dracul, but the fact that he had slowly been building up his forces meant that they would need to tread carefully. Finally, a date was decided for the battle. Almost all of Dracul’s armed forces would set out. Only a few would remain behind to protect the caves and human servants. Maidens were to remain behind for their own safety as well. Once more, I would be separated from Dracul, a fact that made my heart ache.
“Don’t worry. I’ll bring along the potion you concocted,” he said gently after I expressed my concern in private when he had one of his very rare breaks.
He had healed marvelously over the past few days, any scarring completely disappearing with another small dose of the potion. Now, he was even able to transform into his human form without issue, and his wing had made a full recovery. Two days ago, he had taken me along for a quick test flight around the mountain. It had been exhilarating how fast he was able to fly now.
“And I’ll have the other warriors defending me as well,” he added.
“I know, but last time you left, you almost died,” I said, unable to shake this new fear that something else bad would happen. Last time I felt like this he had returned injured and with that memory so fresh in my mind it was hard to shake the sense of dread. I took his hand and squeezed it. “I don’t want that to happen, Dracul.” Tears pricked my eyes.
He put a hand to my cheek. “I need to do this, it’s my duty as High Dragon Lord,” he said. “And if I don’t, next time, Borthen might come here and find you. If that happened, I don’t know what I’d do, Lora.” At every opportunity he got, he used the nickname he had given me, and it filled me with warmth.
I leaned into his hand. We had grown closer since he had returned and I had started to pull down the walls I had put between us. Something deep down in me told me that our relationship was not typical for a Dragon Lord and his Maiden, but I was too frightened by the prospect of losing him to keep those boundaries in place. If something were to happen, I wanted to soak up every single moment we could share together.
“I know,” I said softly. “And I know you’re capable of taking care of yourself, that this time you’re going with hundreds of others to fight. But I can’t help but worry about you.”
Dracul leaned forward and kissed my forehead, something he had started doing more to ease my worries lately when we were alone. “I will return, Lora,” he promised, staring at me with those lustrous silver eyes. “And after Borthen is gone, there’s something I want to tell you.”
“Why not tell me now?” I asked, somehow feeling that it was important. “Why wait?”
He hesitated before shaking his head. “No, it needs to wait,” he said firmly. “It will be worth the wait.”
“I will trust you then, Dracul,” I said, leaning forward to kiss his cheek.
For the rest of the evening, we stayed in each other’s company, relishing the other’s existence before Dracul would leave for battle tomorrow. I did my best not to dwell on what was to come.
* * *
The next morning, I accompanied the other Dragon Maidens to where the army was to depart, to wish our Lords farewell. Lord Fangburn had left in the early hours of the morning to gather his forces. The Twisturn clan would rendezvous with Dracul just south of Borthen’s borders. Already, the cavern where the army gathered was packed, as everyone was in their dragon form, covered from head to tail in armor. Dracul had left his quarters a little while ago to have his armor assembled.
Last night, Dracul and I talked for hours before drifting off in each other’s arms. It had been disappointing to wake up and swiftly realize that he would be leaving shortly, and I had to fight back my tears. I needed to stay strong for the other Maidens and dragons. I could not show my weakness. Already, I could feel his absence and the pit of emptiness in my stomach.
The Dragon Lords were lined up at the entrance of the cave and each Maiden went to bid her Lord goodbye. Dracul leaned his face close to mine so we could talk quietly without anyone listening. In my peripheral vision, I could see the other Lords doing the same.
“I will return, Lora,” he said. “We will communicate through messengers so the other dragons left behind should be able to tell you what’s going on.”
I placed my hands on either side of his face, moving so our foreheads touched. “You will be safe,” I said, making it sound more like a certainty than an order. “You will return to me, Dracul.”
To my surprise, a light emanated from between our touching foreheads and gasps filled the cavern. I pulled back, shocked at what happened. Dracul’s forehead still glowed, and I could only assume mine was, too, based on a warmth I felt.
He looked at me, his eyes first showing his surprise before he started grinning. “My dragons!” he bellowed. “Fortune smiles down upon us. We have been blessed by the stars! This light is the blessing that will lead us into battle. Let us be off!” He gave me a smile before taking off into the air.
The warriors cried out in support before they took off as well, following their Lord into battle. I pressed against the wall to protect myself from the pull of their wings. And with that, the cave was empty except for the other Dragon Maidens.