Page 16 of Refuge
Chapter 8
Cole was wondering how in the hell he went from kissing Leeza behind the trailer to once again watching her walk away from him. He was getting sick and tired of…. His eyes went to her ass and he smiled. Okay, maybe he wasn’t sick and tired of watching her walk away, but dammit, he would rather her be walking toward him, not away.
Running his hand through his hair, he sighed. Maybe he didn’t handle the job thing with Lance Cutter very well. He could admit he acted like a jealous lover with a hard-on, but to even think of another man wanting her sent him over the edge. His hand clenched into a tight fist just at the thought.
“Son of a bitch.” Kile walked up, looking a little disheveled. “Thanks for the help, bro. Eric about killed me.”
“You won’t get any help from me after throwing me under the bus.” Cole snorted. “What the hell were you thinking, bringing up Patty, and Daphne Ruby’s tits in front of Gemma? Are you crazy?”
“Yeah, not one of my smartest moves, but did you see Eric’s face?” Kile’s laugh sounded more like a snicker.
“Have you seen yours?” Cole shot back. “You’re going to have a nice black eye.”
“Ain’t my first and I’m sure it won’t be my last.” Kile shrugged it off. “Anyway, after Eric finished beating my ass, he asked us to go into town and order lumber to be delivered. He’s got the list in the trailer.”
Cole needed to get away for a minute to think, so heading into town sounded good to him. “What time do they close?”
“We’ve got plenty of time, but I want to get back and help out so let’s get going,” Kile said, leading the way to the trailer.
Spotting Leeza talking with Gemma outside of Ari’s enclosure, Cole frowned when she spotted him then looked away quickly.
“What do you think about Lance Cutter?” Cole asked after they grabbed the list and headed toward the truck.
“Don’t really know much about him other than what I’ve heard.” Kile climbed into the driver seat. “Seems to me he’s trying to make it right after he was an asshole to Gemma. I know Larry doesn’t like him much, but Eric seems to be tolerating the man. Why?”
“Leeza wants to work over at Cutter’s.” Cole grabbed his sunglasses and put them on.
“So?” Kile backed up, then pulled into the dirt driveway and headed out. When Cole didn’t answer right away, Kile let out a low whistle. “The green monster nipping at your ass?”
“No,” Cole answered quickly, maybe a little too quickly. “Maybe. Fuck, man, I don’t know. All I know is I told her she couldn’t do it.”
“And how did that turn out?” Kile glanced from the road to Cole, then back to the road again.
“Not real well,” he replied honestly. “I’ll take care of her. She doesn’t need a job.”
Kile snorted as he clicked on the blinker. “Leeza’s a strong woman. Riley made sure of that. And even though it seemed like they had a special relationship, I’m sure Riley had a tight rein on her. She needs a partner, not a dictator.”
Cole looked at his brother in surprise. That actually made sense.Dare he ask?“So what do you suggest?”
“Get her in your bed as soon as possible if you haven’t already,” Kile responded, then glanced at Cole. A loud laugh escaped him.
“And just when I thought you were making sense.” Cole rubbed his eyes. Damn, he was tired. “She’s my mate.”
“No shit. Anyone with eyes can see that. Bro, wine and dine her. Get to know her.” Kile found a parking place. “Let her do what she needs to do. She’s different than the women we’ve known. I know that. And as for Lance Cutter, if he makes a move on her, kill him.”
Cole sat thinking about what Kile said while staring out the windshield as his brother slammed the door. Killing Lance Cutter would be the easiest solution. Not that he didn’t want to get to know Leeza better. It was the wine and dine bullshit. He’d never wined and dined a woman in his life.
Finally getting out of the truck, he walked around where Kile leaned, waiting for him.
“The wine and dine throw you?”
“Yeah, killing him would be easier.” Cole grinned, then shook his head. “Jesus, man.”
Kile clapped Cole on the back as they headed into the hardware store. “I know, but let me just say, seeing Cole Jackson having a hard time with a woman is making my day.”
“Fuck you,” Cole grumbled, wishing they weren’t in a public place so he could punch the asshole.
* * *