Page 15 of Haven
“So, if I apologize, would she understand me?” Sadie looked back at Nadia, who was staring at them both. She moved awayfrom him but close enough to jump back in his arms if needed. Kile was disappointed and wanted to pull her back but refrained.
Before Kile could respond, Nadia stood moving close. Staring first at Kile, then Sadie, the wolf rubbed her massive head against Sadie, pushing her back into Kile’s arms.
“I think she has already forgiven you.” Kile laughed, giving Nadia a wink. The clever little wolf knew exactly what Kile wanted and made sure he got it. She would definitely get extra treats for this stunt.
Sadie hadno clue what time it was, but she didn’t care. She sat in an enclosure with a wolf and a very handsome man. She hadn’t felt this content in a very long time. Nadia’s huge head was in her lap, and Sadie’s fingers were lost in her fur, rubbing gently. It had such a calming effect. The low timber of Kile’s voice soothed her as he told her about the Sanctuary. If she had doubts about Lily’s safety before, she didn’t now.
“Can I ask you a question?” Kile said after a moment of silence.
“Sure,” Sadie said as she leaned her head back against the shelter looking at Kile.
“Growing up in a Shifter family, I wouldn’t think you would be afraid of Nadia,” Kile said, watching her closely, his eyes searching hers as if looking for the answer.
“What made you think I was afraid?” Sadie said, then laughed at the half grin on Kile’s face. “Oh, when I jumped in your arms.”
“Which I’m most definitely not complaining about,” Kile said with a wink and a chuckle.
Sadie looked at him for a minute before answering. This man was very charming and a flirt, but his flirting wasn’t obnoxious. It actually made her heart flutter. She had men flirt with her before and had to control herself from rolling her eyes at their attempts. But Kile was different, and she liked it. He put her at ease. “They didn’t shift around me a lot. And when they did shift it was for a short time. I don’t think it’s fear.” She looked down at her lap and then back to him with a smile. “Obviously, since I have a colossal wolf head in my lap. I think it’s caution. When I was about ten, I saw my stepfather and another shifter fight in wolf form. It was a vicious fight.”
“Do you know what the fight was about?” Kile asked, his brows furrowed as if he already knew the answer.
“Me.” Sadie looked down at Nadia, twirling her fur around her finger. “It was the last pack they tried know.” The guilt started in her gut, not that the feelings ever left. She was good at pushing them into that dark place until something was brought up, and the feelings came rushing back.
“I’m sorry you had to deal with that.” Kile wished he could take away the pain that was so plainly written all over her face.
“I’m sorrytheyhad to deal with it.” Sadie sighed, then leaned her head back again, looking up at the sky. “That is why it’s so important to me to find someone to help Lily thrive. She deserves that.”
“And you don’t think you deserve the same?” Kile reached over, grasping her chin, turning her face toward him. “Sadie, you are welcome here. There is a place for you also. Gemma ishuman, and her main helper, Larry, is human. You’ll meet him tomorrow. He’s been sick. Sadie, I can only imagine what you and your family went through, but it’s not like that here.”
Sadie felt a pang of disappointment when he let his hand fall from her face. His touch had been so warm and gentle. She couldn't explain why she was so drawn to him, but maybe it was because he made her feel safe—something she hadn’t felt in what seemed like forever. Yes, that must be it. It was the sense of safety, not how his dark hair framed his striking golden eyes with lashes long and dark as night.
“You’re a nice man, Kile Jackson.” She whispered, then tilted her head. “For a shifter.”
Kile cocked his eyebrow at her. “Not sure if that was a compliment, but I’ll take it.” He smiled and then chuckled.
Sadie laughed. “I was just teasing...kind of.” She grinned, then sighed. “Seriously, it was a compliment. This has been nice. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he bowed his head, then his eyes narrowed. “And what did you mean by “kind of teasing?”
“You’re different,” Sadie replied, wondering how much she should really say.
“Different than?” he asked, curiosity edging his tone.
“Other shifter men I’ve met, not that there’s been a lot.” Sadie frowned, looking down at Nadia, who was sound asleep. Her legs were numb from sitting in the same position, but Sadie refused to move and wake the wolf. “It’s hard to explain. It’s just I and at ease around you.”
Sadie didn’t know why she spoke her thoughts out loud and felt a little dumb for doing so now that she had. When she peeked at him, Kile stared so intently at her that she knew she had said too much. Dammit, her and her big mouth.
“Sorry, I, a—” She tried to apologize for being a dumbass. Now she sounded like a jackass. She glanced up at him. “Too much information?”
“I’m honored you feel that way around me,” Kile said, his voice low. “You are safe here. I will not let anyone hurt you or Lily. But if you leave, I can’t protect you.”
Sadie heard the hard edge of his voice, and she believed him. He had already proved himself by chasing Colton off, so why wasn’t she dead set on staying? Her eyes scanned the area, then down at Nadia. She knew exactly why, which broke her heart for many reasons.
“I don’t belong here,” Sadie whispered, fighting back the tears those words invoked. “I learned at a very early age that trouble follows everywhere I go within...your world, Lily’s world. I can’t do this to Gemma, to these people, or her.”
“Our worlds are the same. It’s the people that are different. There are good Shifters, and there are bad ones. It’s the same with humans.” Kile leaned forward. “My wolf had an overwhelming need to protect you and still does, Sadie. My wolf is alert to danger as we sit here alone, waiting to protect you.”
Her eyes widened as she stared at him, but he looked away, staring out into the darkness as if searching for more to say. Sadie’s heart was beating so hard she felt lightheaded and was glad she was sitting down. What was he saying? Her breath caught in her throat when he looked back at her. His eyes weredarker than their golden hue, and she swore his intense gaze could see into her soul.