Page 112 of Scourged
They knew the most about the city, anyways. Who better to help her puzzle out their latest threat?
“It’s an honor to finally meet you, My Queen.”
A young captain had circled the table to stand before Mariah, bowing his head and placing his fist over his heart.
Mariah turned to him and smiled. “You as well, Captain …?”
“Orryn, my queen. Call me Orryn.”
“Orryn,” she repeated, flattening her hand on the table. “You were one of my Marked.”
Orryn nodded. “I like to think I still am, even if I wasn’t Selected.”
Mariah tapped a finger. “I like to think that, too.” She glanced at the rest of the table, the group watching her expectantly. “Please, everyone, sit.”
Everyone slowly settled themselves, chairs scraping across marble floors, when a final shadow lingered in the doorway. The room fell silent as attentions whipped toward the newest arrival.
Mariah slowly stood from her chair, meeting his tanzanite gaze, and nodded, the hint of an assuring smile on her lips. And to her shock, not an ounce of fear or dread filled her veins, although her magic did snap to attention and twist in her gut.
Mariah knew, in her soul, that the person who’d hurt her was not the same man who now stared at her with a glimmer of shadowy hope in his brilliant blue eyes.
So she’d asked Drystan to make sure Andrian knew about the meeting. To tell him that he was welcome to attend, if he desired.
That his queen would appreciate his presence and his counsel.
Qhohena had asked her to learn to trust him again. Zadione had told her to make love her retribution.
So she would try.
A wooden chair creaked as Sebastian shifted uncomfortably. He gripped the arms with white-knuckled fingers but, to Mariah’s relief, remained seated. Ciana pinned him with a glare before shooting an encouraging look at Mariah.
Mariah turned back to Andrian, holding his stare. After a heavy pause, she glanced at the last open seat opposite her at the rectangular table.
He exhaled heavily, still warily watching the room as he sank into the polished wood, shadows trailing his steps.
At last, Mariah relaxed and reseated herself.
“Thank you all for coming,” she said, doing her best to meet every set of eyes. Murmurs of greeting touched her ears, and she settled further into her seat.
My court, she thought.My court, and I am their queen.
“First, I wish to thank you for everything you did to keep this city safe. I know it wasn’t easy, but Verithians are alive and safe because of each of you.”
Murmured acknowledgments swept the room, followed by more nods and bowed heads.
Andrian, though, was still and silent, thoughts carefully hidden behind his familiar mask.
She cleared her throat uncomfortably. “I also wanted to thank you all for … bringing me home. You risked your lives for me, and I don’t think I can ever repay you for that.”
“You are our queen,” Sebastian said, his voice warm. “Every one of us would give up our lives for you.”
More murmurs of agreement.
Across the table, blue eyes watched her.
Mariah smiled. “While I hope that’s never necessary … thank you.”
More nods.