Page 124 of Scourged
But the energy from the bond kept licking down his spine, eating away at his control.
He stumbled a step, catching himself with a growl.
Andrian ran until the sun had set behind the mountains, only the faintest rays of orange and red still streaking the sky. By the time he returned to the side entrance to the palace, he was winded and drenched in sweat.
And still, the energy in himclawed.
He stormed into the palace. Down the winding stairs. Into the subterranean levels, where the palace staff scurried about as they attended to their tasks. Many of them shot him curious glances, giving him a wide berth.
Andrian stormed into the long dining room neighboring the kitchens, the smell of freshly baked bread and roasted game enough for him to notice but not enough to loosen his thoughts. In a corner at one of the long benches sat Drystan and Feran, smiling as they talked with several empty plates of food around them. Feran's head tilted slightly toward Andrian.
Andrian ignored him, moving to the buffet line that was set up each night as palace occupants came and went. They could cook and eat in their rooms, of course. But this was always an easy option on nights like tonight when Andrian couldn’t focus much beyond putting his left foot in front of his right.
He blindly scooped food onto a plate, not even sure what he was grabbing, before moving to the nearest table and slamming his body onto the bench. His ears were ringing, the pressure on—and in—his body suffocating.
He was sure his food was delicious.
He couldn’t taste any of it, though.
No, with every bite he forced past his teeth, all he could think about was the way that dark hair had brushed his cheek. The tightening of the muscles in her stomach, still too fucking thin, as his thumb traced her skin.
His tastebuds exploded with his next bite of food. But it tasted like somethingverydifferent from the lamb chops he was eating.
His fork clattered to the table as he dropped his head into his hands, rubbing his eyes. He fought to control his body, breathing deeply through his nose and out through his mouth.
This was not good.
Appetite—for food, at least—gone, Andrian rose from the table, leaving his tray with the dishwasher before striding from the room. He could feel Feran and Drystan’s eyes on him, watching him with abject curiosity, but he didn’t care.
He needed a fucking cold shower and a shot of whiskey.
Chapter 46
Mariah had never been so uncomfortable in her life.
Everything was on edge. Every part of her body was tense and too sensitive. She could see everything, hear everything,feeleverything.
A shiver raked down her spine as she tipped another sip of whiskey down her throat.
“You alright, lassie?” Mikael looked at her over a sizzling pan, concern pinching his brow.
Mariah set her glass down on the island, straightening her shoulders. “Yes, sorry. It’s just been a long day.”
Mikael nodded, looking unconvinced, but said nothing further as he turned back to the meal.
The ride back on Kodie was … well, fun. Exciting. For just a moment, she’d somehow forgotten what had happened, who she was and what she was after. Theaberrantwas pushed to the back of her mind, the slimy feel of its dark malignance nothing more than a shallow memory. She was just Mariah, the girl who always knew how to get men to do exactly what she wanted, andhewas just another man who’d fallen into her beautiful trap of saccharine smiles and subtle touches. It was a game they’dplayed before, but this time she had more power, and she’d fuckinglovedit.
She hadn’t noticed how it affected the bond stretching between their souls. Hadn’t paid it much attention, not as his smell of rain and sandalwood wrapped around her, scooping her up into an embrace that was so terrifyingly familiar.
She hadn’t noticed how far she’d gone into that game until he’d said it.
That word. Thatname. That one thing she’d told him not to call her because it was the last thing she’d asked him to tell her before her world was shaken apart. Even if it hadn’t been him, she couldn’t be sure. And she never wanted to hear it from him again.
A plate appeared before her, piled high with steaming buttered bay scallops and seared spring vegetables. The rich aroma wafted up, her stomach rumbling.
“It looks delicious, Mikael. Thank you.”