Page 139 of Scourged
“Absolutely not.” Delaynie sniffed. “I won’t be drinking them.”
“Not even if your queen asks you to?”
Delaynie faltered slightly and quickly darted her gaze to Mariah before returning it to Quentin, a scowl twisting her sharp face.
“My queencan drink as much of the palace wine as she wants. You, however, are not her.”
Quentin chuckled. “Oh, you’ve got me there. And thank the gods for that. No offense of course, M.” He rolled his head to the side, tossing Mariah a wink before returning his grin to Delaynie. “But could you imagine the uproar in this city if I were a woman? What would all the ladies do without my magic coc?—”
“That’s enough.” Mariah laughed into her wine.
It had been two days since the goddesses’ visit. The first, she’d spent in a panic, fear for her family and confusion over her next task crushing her chest with every breath. The second, she’d finally been able to return to her routine—training with Trefor in the game park before seeing what she could glean from the library.
Which was, of course, nothing.
Today, she’d decided todosomething.
Delaynie flushed a bright pink, her back rigid and hands twisting in her lap. Ciana snickered as she bit into a piece of cheese, and the remainder of Mariah’s court who had settled around the table—Feran, Trefor, Kiira, Drystan, and Rylla—all tried desperately to fight back raucous laughter.
“As much as you love to talk about it, no one wants to hear about your magic cock right now, Quentin,” Mariah said.
Someone—probably Trefor—gasped a laugh as Mariah set her now-empty glass on the table in front of Quentin. “And thank you for defending the staff, Delaynie. But you can tell them the wine is on my tab.” She shot a glance at Quentin, pointing at her glass. “Now, be a good boy and pour your queen some of thisgoodwine.”
The group snapped. Quentin released a roaring laugh, Matheo doubling over with him. The entire table erupted into hysterics, Ciana nearly spitting out her bite of cheese and crackers. Trefor almost slipped out of his chair to the floor as Rylla let loose great howls of laughter. Even Sebastian chuckled, rubbing his eyes, and Delaynie shot Mariah a grateful glance as she giggled.
“Don’t tell me; Quentin made a joke about his dick.” A deep voice echoed across the balcony, a brush of shadow against Mariah’s skin, and the laughter dropped away.
Well … almost. Ciana still sniffed, wiping tears from her eyes, and Quentin, Trefor, and Matheo still chuckled involuntarily as Andrian stepped through the balcony doors and onto the patio.
They knew he’d be coming; she’d informed everyone as much earlier that day, just as she’d asked Drystan to invite him. He’d moved back into his room across the hall, as she’d asked, but still kept his distance.
Andrian’s eyes found Mariah’s, darting behind her once before resting on her with a question in his expression.
Realization struck Mariah like a lead hammer.
All the seats opposite her at the table were filled. Drystan and Kiira sat at the two heads, and Quentin had taken the chair on her right. She’d chosen this table because it had exactly twelve seats, one for each member of her court.
With Andrian being the last to arrive … That meant the only chair left available was the one on her left. Beside her.
What would it convey if she asked Sebastian or Feran to move and sit beside her, allowing her some distance from Andrian?
She almost scoffed. Her fear was speaking to her, whispering darkness in her ear. Trying to decide her life and her future.
She refused to spend any more time bowing to her fear.
The smile that spread across her lips was mostly genuine. “Thank you for joining us, Andrian. Please, sit.” She did her best to ignore the way their bond thrummed when she said his name as he dipped his head in answer and moved toward the table.
She raised an eyebrow expectantly at Quentin. “I wasn’t kidding about the wine, you know.”
Quentin chuckled, Matheo still grinning beside him. “As you wish, My Queen.”
Mariah’s smile relaxed into a grin as Quentin uncorked the bottle, pouring Mariah a glass before filling his own and passing the bottle down the table for everyone who wanted it. She focused on their small talk, taking a sip of the delicious white, even as she felt Andrian brush behind her. Her hair shifted against her neck, and she gripped her glass just a little tighter as he slid into the chair beside her. Several inches separated them, but heat still radiated from him.
For someone who acted so cold, he was always sohot.
Sipping her wine, she snuck a glance at him.
He was watching her, of course, leaning back in his chair, fingers drumming lightly on the table. Setting down her glass, she turned to face him more fully. She briefly hesitated before leaning across his space, reaching for the plates of cheese and meats and fruits Ciana and Sebastian had brought.