Page 10 of Savage Heart
A pang of guilt hits me for a moment that now Sebastian will tell her I was here. I can’t be bothered with that. I need to push that away like everything else about this place.
“She’ll be fine. I’m sure she’ll hear all about it from you.”
“You know, I get hating Dad, but what did Mom ever do to you? Actually, I don’t get hating Dad. What the hell did he or any of us ever do to make you turn your back on your family?”
Laughter explodes out of me, almost as if I can’t stop myself. “I didn’t turn my back on the Rules. I just went to the one Rule who understands me.”
Sebastian huffs in disgust. “A fucking criminal who had to run away to escape spending the rest of his life in prison. What’s it take to understand poor Alaric? The mind of a psychopath?”
Asshole. Like he has any right to be tagging anyone with the criminal slur. He and our father are nothing more than that. They just hide their illegal actions behind the guise of business.
“Whatever, Sebastian. Enjoy living your life in that ivory tower courtesy of our last name. It’s a perfect place for you.”
When I turn to walk away, he shoves me, and that’s all it takes. I spin around and lunge at him, taking him to the ground. I always did like beating up on my big brother. Around my size, he never had to fight his way through life because everyone treated him like something fucking special because he’s Maddox Rule’s firstborn son.
I, on the other hand, have the same DNA and last name, yet I never got the free pass he did. So I learned to fight while he learned to charm. Tonight, he’s going to feel the pain of what my past is like.
He catches me on the jaw once, but I slam my fist into his face twice, stunning him. Blood pours from his nose, even though I don’t think it’s broken. He might be able to take a shot better if he had to practice every day of his life.
“What’s going on? Sebastian, who is this? I’m calling the police!”
Hoping to avoid getting cops involved, I quickly jump off Sebastian, leaving him bloody and beaten on the ground. When my mother sees my face, she staggers back a few steps.
Nothing like being visited by a ghost from the past.
“Alaric? Is that really you?” she asks after staring at me for a few seconds.
When I don’t answer, she asks, “Why were you attacking your brother?”
Sebastian grumbles something about me being an asshole before standing up, his hands covering his nose still gushing blood. “I think it’s time security escorted this trespasser out.”
“You will do no such thing! This is your brother, and no matter what you two were arguing about, he is as welcome at this house as any of us are.”
My brother sulks after being put in his place and walks away toward the house, probably to go run to our father. Fucking fantastic.
“Are you back? I mean, for good?” my mother asks.
I’ve never been good, so that’s not a logical question. Then again, Willow Rule would never be confused with someone who’s logical.
“No. I can’t stay here.”
My answer doesn’t seem to register with her, and she rushes toward me to take me in her arms. “I’ve missed you so much, Alaric. I’ve wished for this every day since you left. Please stay. We haven’t seen you in so long.”
I shake my head as the words I need to stay get trapped in my throat. Maddox Rule I could crush with no feeling whatsoever. Willow Rule is a different story.
Gently, I push her away and see tears on her cheeks. “This isn’t where I belong anymore.”
“This is your home,” she says with sadness clinging to every word.
She knows better.
“Not anymore.”
She reaches out to touch me, and when her fingers graze my forearm, it’s like every good memory I have of us comes over me like a tidal wave. If only it was just the two of us.
Looking up at me with those big blue eyes that never fail to make me want to make her happy, she tries to smile but fails. “This will always be your home, and we will always be your family, Alaric. Nothing can change that.”
I love her, but my mother lives in a world that doesn’t exist anymore.