Page 13 of Savage Heart
Looking down, I see my arms tied to the wooden arms of an old chair. Son of a bitch! Why the fuck am I being restrained? Something tells me it’s not the fine folks at Amtrak keeping me tied up here.
When I try to move my legs, I find my ankles have been tied to the legs of the chair. For a second or two, I let myself hope that this is Alaric’s doing and somehow he thinks this little stunt is cute or romantic. It’s not, but men think dumb things sometimes.
“Hello? Who’s there? Why am I tied up in here? Please someone tell me what’s going on!” I yell as loud as my parched throat will allow me.
No one answers, and as I wait a minute or two before I try again, I study the room around me as best I can. It’s dark, but there’s light coming in from under the door about eight feet in front of me. It makes seeing my surroundings slightly easier, but all I recognize is that this is a room with no windows and only this chair I’m tied to.
Why is it so hot in here?
This isn’t Alaric’s doing. Something is very wrong.
I try once again to make someone hear me, but my mouth is so dry that I can only cry out a few words before the rest get trapped in my throat. My attempt at making some saliva turns out to be fruitless too.
Fully awake, I try to get my arms and legs out of these fucking restraints, but it’s no use. Pulling and tugging only makes the ropes dig into my skin, so by the time I finish trying to escape, all I have is raw wrists and ankles to show for my effort.
Suddenly, the door opens, and I stare into the face of a man I don’t recognize. I study his expression as he steps into the room and shudder.
He’s not here to help me.
“Please let me out of these restraints,” I croak out. “Who are you? Why am I here? Where is Trent?” I ask into the silence of the room as the man stares down at me in disgust.
“Matteo was right. You ask too many questions. Shut your mouth and behave and maybe this won’t hurt too much.”
I look up at him in horror. “Matteo? Is he behind this? Why?”
“This is going to hurt a lot if you don’t shut your mouth.”
“What won’t hurt too much? Because if you’re talking about these ropes, they already hurt. Why are you keeping me hostage here?”
He ignores my questions just as he’s ignored my pleas to release me, but I keep asking, even as every ounce of moisture in my mouth and throat threatens to dry up. “Please let me go. I’m no one. Trust me. My name is Sabrina, and I’m a simple college student.”
A vicious laugh explodes out of the man’s face, frightening me. “Sabrina? Did you come up with that? Because we both know that’s not your name, Sienna. Now just sit tight and you’ll see what’s going on in a little while.”
When he steps close to me, I stare up into his face and try to see if I know this person since he clearly knows me. He’s no one I’ve ever met. Anger seems to be chiseled into his features. Dark hair with a touch of gray at the temples tells me he’s older than my brothers.
“Who are you? Why are you keeping me here?” I ask, expecting answers to neither of my questions.
The man surprises me, though. “My name is Lucius. Don’t worry. We’ll get to know each other very well soon enough. For now, sit there and behave, Sienna. You don’t want me to have to punish you for not being a good girl, do you?”
My mouth drops open at the way he talks to me like I’m some rebellious child he feels the need to scold. “Good girl? I’m not your daughter, so don’t pull that good girl shit on me. There’s only one man I tolerate that from, and you aren’t him.”
He narrows his eyes, and then a moment later, he thrusts his hand forward, wrapping his fingers around my neck. Lucius squeezes tightly, cutting off my airway instantly. I shake my head to force him to stop, but it’s no use.
“Now behave, or I swear that I’m going to have to hurt you.”
His dark eyes stare into mine, terrifying me, but I don’t close my eyes or look away. He won’t get the benefit of my fear now or ever. Whoever this fucker is, I won’t back down from him.
When he loosens his grip on my throat, I say, “You can do whatever you want to me, but I’m not some frightened little thing. I’m Sienna Rossetti, and if you don’t know what that means, that’s your misfortune.”
He leans down so his face is directly in front of mine, and I see just how much older he is than I am. Tiny wrinkles fan out from the corners of his dark eyes, probably from a lifetime worth of squinting angrily at people, and the lines around his mouth say he’s been unhappy more than a few times.
“Good to hear you know who you are, Sienna. I like that,” he says in a low voice.
“If my brother is behind this, be sure to tell him I won’t forget the fact that he had me taken and tied up like this. The last member of my family who thought it was a good idea to hurt me found out what happens when you do that. Maybe you should remind him of that fact,” I whisper, unable to raise my voice because I’m so parched.
That gets me a big, evil grin from Lucius. “Oh, we’re going to have a good time, you and me.”
He slides his forefinger along my jaw, and I turn my head in disgust. “Don’t touch me. I’m not yours to touch.”