Page 27 of Savage Heart
Including burying a knife in my dear husband’s heart and watching blood spurt from his chest like a geyser as he lies dying in front of me. He and my brother have forgotten that Rossetti blood flows through my veins. I may have tried to forget that for many years, but now that I’m back here and being traded for God only knows what, all I learned growing up as the daughter of Salvatore Rossetti is coming back to me clear as day.
A patient, smart woman with a taste for vengeance isn’t someone you want to fuck with, gentlemen. Remember that.
Lucius and Matteo walk away, leaving me truly alone for the first time tonight. Every cell in my body screams for me to make a break for it, but how? In this get-up, they’d catch me in under a minute, and then I’d be even worse off than I am right now.
So I stand in these four-inch heels Matteo forced me to wear and in this dress that makes me look like a cheap prostitute in a garish gown and gaze around the room at the guests that have come to Lucius Angeloni’s home tonight. All dressed in tuxes and pricey designer gowns, the men and women smile and laugh as they enjoy their drinks and food handed out by the girls in bikinis. To them, this must be normal. To me, it seems utterly crass and ugly, but then again, I get to be the bought and paid for prize tonight.
My stomach roils at the thought of what’s going to happen at the end of this night. The next few hours will be my last chance at freedom before I have to sleep with a man twice my age whose streak for nastiness is already far too obvious for this girl.
I feel like all eyes are on me, as if everyone here knows my fate at the conclusion of this party, and they see nothing wrong with that. No one appears to look at me like I’m someone in danger and in need of protection. No, if anything, all I see in their eyes is admiration when our gazes meet.
Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking. They probably see me like I do right now. Like a paid for creature with no freedoms. How they could be okay with that I don’t understand because I’m certainly not fine with any of this.
The question is how do I get the hell away from this world I’ve been forced into first by my brother and now by Lucius?
Humiliation grows inside me until I feel my cheeks heat from a deep blush. I’m not just some piece of flesh to be traded from one man to another. It doesn’t matter if anyone in this room knows that or even cares.
And then as if God has heard my silent pleas for help, I see the face of the one person who can get me away from this place. Near the entrance to the terrace, he stands with a glass of champagne in his hand looking as charming as all the other guests. Dressed in a tux, he looks more beautiful than I’ve ever seen him before.
Suddenly, I don’t feel like all is lost. I don’t know how he found me or what he’s doing here dressed like that, but I know one thing deep in my marrow.
If he’s here, I’m going to be safe.
If he’s here, then he’s got a plan. Now I just have to find a way to get to him so we can set it in motion.
I see her the moment I step out onto the terrace and instantly want to get her away from this place. She’s dressed in something I know she had no part in choosing, evidenced by how uncomfortable she looks standing there.
She’s as beautiful as always, though. No matter how her brother has tried to make her look, she’s Sienna underneath that silver dress that shows off far too much for these people.
With a quick scan of the room, I see her brothers and any security intended to keep her in her place are on the other side of the room. They don’t seem particularly interested in what she’s doing either, which is good.
The man Gideon pointed out as Lucius Angeloni when we entered the villa appears busy with other guests and not the least bit interested in his intended wife. I suspect he assumes she’s safe there alone since they’re in his home, his turf where he controls everything.
Now is my chance to test that theory.
I give her a slight tilt of my head to let her know to come toward my side of the terrace and begin to casually walk over toward the railing overlooking the hillside. It’s a beautiful, warm, late spring evening, and all I can think of is that I wish the two of us were anywhere else in the world together than this place.
But I can’t focus on that now. Wishful thinking isn’t going to get us the hell out of here and back to my suite at Gideon’s hotel.
As I wait for her, I pretend to admire the view of the sea in the distance with the lights of the boats dancing off the water. It really is a gorgeous sight. I hope some night soon she and I will get to enjoy it from my balcony of my room.
Casually looking around for her, I see Sienna walking directly toward me. Her steps are awkward, and I let my gaze drift down her body to see she’s wearing sky-high heels that make walking difficult, to say the least. She reminds me of a toddler taking her first steps.
When she gets close enough and I see there’s no one near us, I whisper, “Don’t face me. Look out toward the water like you’re impressed.”
She listens to me and does as I tell her to, even as I know she’s desperate to get away from this place. “Alaric, please I need your help. My brother is planning to marry me off to Lucius Angeloni.”
Rage courses through me like it’s the first time I’m hearing that horrible idea. “When?” I ask through gritted teeth as I stare out mindlessly at the lights on the water.
“I don’t know!” she says, her voice filled with terror. “He has me dressed up like some hooker and showing me off like I’m up for sale, but I’m here for that Lucius guy. He’s the one who’s the owner of this place. It might be tonight, for God’s sake. It’s not like they’re interested in getting my permission or anything. Please, Alaric! I need your help.”
Even as she whispers her answer, I hear the panic in her voice grow with each word. I need to let her know I’m here to take care of her.