Page 17 of Vicious Rule
“What is it? What is this thing you two are working on?”
“Something my father refuses to do, so he ends up leaving a lot of money on the table. I want that money, though, so I’m not afraid to do what it takes. Now don’t ask for more specifics than that because I don’t have them right now. Just know that this business arrangement is big and is going to give me the freedom to do what I want in life, something I’ll never have if I play by my father’s rules.”
He sounds solemn when he says that, and I can’t help but be unnerved. Going against Helix Rule is never a good idea, and if he finds out his own son is sneaking around behind his back and doing something he doesn’t approve of, he’s going to make Alex pay dearly, even if he is his favorite.
“I’m not sure I want to know more, to be honest. You’re playing with fire, Alex. You know as well as anyone that your father is not someone to screw over. He’s the definition of fuck around and find out. What happens if he figures out what you’re up to?”
That seems to lighten his mood, and he waves away my concern. “Don’t worry. I’ve got it all under control. I need you with me on this, though, so you have to come back to the villa.”
Hanging my head, I try to find a way to explain I don’t want to pretend to be his girlfriend anymore. “Alex, I want to help, but I don’t want to continue as we were before. I can’t do my job like that.”
“Like what? Tell me and I promise to fix whatever’s wrong.”
As much as I want to conceal how I truly feel, it comes out as I try to explain why I left and came back here. “I walked in on you with a woman bent over your desk. If I’m supposed to be your girlfriend, that makes me look like someone you don’t give a damn about. I’m not okay with that.”
“Nobody saw anything but you. I swear.”
Just when I thought I was making progress. God, he’s insufferable.
“The girl you were with told people. You know that. It’s not like anyone keeps what they do with you a secret.”
A wicked smile lights up his face. “I hope not. I’d hate for people to think I’m not good enough to brag about.”
“And just how do you think your girlfriend is supposed to feel about that?”
Still not seeing the problem, he shrugs and says, “But you’re not really my girlfriend, Sasha. It’s all pretend.”
I can’t believe I need to spell this out for him. God, men can be such morons sometimes.
“Perception is everything. Do you understand? People hear I’m supposedly your girlfriend, and they expect you to act like my boyfriend, not some oversexed jackass who fucks multiple women each night. Even you being with that one woman makes me look bad, and I don’t want to have people looking at me like I’m some charity case or someone they should pity because my boyfriend is fucking women behind my back.”
Twisting his face into a look of pure confusion, he asks, “So what do you want me to do?”
I should be terrified to say the words sitting on the tip of my tongue right now, but I know if I choose to leave Alex and come back here that Gideon will do whatever he can to make his father see that I’m not some ungrateful employee but someone who merely shouldn’t work for his oldest son.
At least I hope that’s true. Once I say what I want to tell Alex, I guess I’ll see if it is.
I take a deep breath and say, “No more women. Not as long as we’re pretending to be a couple.”
His eyes get wide, and for a moment, I think he’s going to lash out like he usually does when he gets news he doesn’t like. He doesn’t, though. He merely stares at me in disbelief as I wait for him to say something.
Finally, he answers, “Then the same goes for you.”
“Fine. No women for me either.”
“You fucking know what I mean. Don’t be a smartass. No women or men for you. If I’m going to suffer, so are you.”
Satisfied with my triumph, I push for more information. “Since we’re both going to be suffering through forced celibacy, maybe you can tell me why we need to pretend at all? Because I’m not understanding that.”
“He wants you. That’s why.”
“Nico? I know that. He made it perfectly clear that he doesn’t think we’re together and he’d like a chance with me.”
Just as before when we were talking about his brother, Alex’s expression turns dark at my mention of Nico being interested in me. “Well, that’s not going to happen.”
Even though I don’t want Nico Olivetti, I hate the idea of Alex deciding what I can and can’t do with my private life, so I take a chance and poke the bear with a question I know will bother him. “What if I wanted if to?”
“No,” he answers flatly, as if there’s not a chance in hell he’s going to let that happen. “That’s why you and I are going to pretend to be a couple.”