Page 36 of Vicious Rule
Alex slips his arm around my waist and pulls me to him. “No, but I love how jealous you are. I had no idea you had this side to you, Sasha.”
“Yeah, it’s wonderful. Peachy.”
And making me downright miserable.
“In fact, it’s turning me on that you were so jealous that you had to ask.”
That makes me want to slap him, but in truth, I’m the one who needs a good slap. Or maybe someone to shake me silly so this nonsense I’m feeling goes away. I’ve never been a jealous woman, and I hate this new side of me.
“I wasn’t jealous,” I lie. “I was curious. There’s a difference.”
“Whatever it is, I love it. I knew there was a softer Sasha underneath it all.”
That this is the man who’s found out that truth confuses me. Alex Rule is crude and violent on most days, and other than sex, I’m not sure we have anything in common. Yet, he’s the one who uncovers that softness I keep hidden?
It makes no sense.
He moves around me so he’s standing directly behind me at the front of the room while everyone else fucks like wild animals. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he rests his chin on my shoulder but says nothing.
I know he’s aroused by the scene playing out in front of us because his hard cock presses against the small of my back. I wish I could let myself relax and enjoy the night, but all the feelings coursing through me about him make it impossible.
Jesus, is this how people feel when they’re in love? No, that’s not possible. I can’t love him. He’s not a man a woman should ever feel that for. He’s careless and thoughtless with everything, including himself.
What would make me think he’s able to love me in return?
Nico walks into my office looking like a satisfied man. Good. The contessa did her job and clearly did it well.
“You look like you had a good time last night,” I say with a chuckle.
As he sits down, he nods his head and grins like a cat that just ate a canary. “You could say that. I have to give it to you, Alex. You do know how to show your guests a good time. I didn’t think I’d enjoy the party since it seemed everyone had paired off by the time I arrived, but Lucy changed that in a heartbeat. Thank you.”
He wouldn’t be thanking me if he knew what I was up to. No matter. All’s fair in love and war. Isn’t that how the saying goes?
I have to smile at the name the contessa decided to use. Lucy is close enough to her own name but different enough that he likely didn’t know who she really is. She looked nothing like she usually does in public, thankfully.
To think all that cost me was a dress. Then again, ten thousand euros for a fucking piece of clothing isn’t chump change. Thank God I don’t have to answer to anyone about how I spend my money because that would be a hard explanation for my father to swallow.
“I’m glad you had a good time. That’s what those parties are for.”
Nico stretches his arms behind his head. “I noticed you and Sasha didn’t partake in the festivities. Problems between you two?” he asks with a curious twinkle in his eye.
I shake my head, pleased to admit we’re as happy as can be. “Not a one. That’s because Sasha and I are two of a kind. I knew it from the moment I first laid eyes on her.”
He seems impressed by that detail. Leaning forward toward my desk, he asks, “When was that?”
“Five years ago. I remember the day I first saw her. She made everyone and everything else around her disappear.”
None of that is a lie. I do have to admit, though, that I’ve never told a soul that. Not even Sasha herself.
Nodding, Nico sits back in his chair. “I can definitely see how that could happen. She’s breathtaking, Alex.”
Something about the way he says that—like he’s already thought long and hard about what he’d do if he had a chance with her—makes me bristle with jealousy. Eager to change the subject, I say, “So when you called this meeting, you sounded serious. Have you run into snags with your family?”
“Not in the least,” he answers, finally sounding businesslike. “I can control my brothers and father. You haven’t run into any problems with your family, have you?”