Page 25 of Before the Fall
God, please don’t let her die before the ambulance finds her.
I slowly open my eyes and try to focus, but instantly, my head begins to ache. Then my arm begins to throb like my heart has moved from the left side of my chest to somewhere near my right shoulder. Why do I feel like this?
“You’re going to be okay,” a soft feminine voice says beside me.
When I turn to see who it is, I’m greeted with a smile by a beautiful woman with dark hair and the kindest eyes I’ve ever seen. She looks at me like I mean something to her, but I’ve never met this person before.
“Your arm is going to be fine. The bullet went clear through, which I’m told is a good thing. You were in a car accident, so you might feel sore all over too. Are you thirsty?”
As I try to take in all the information she’s giving me, I suddenly remember about Jaxon. I sit bolt upright in bed, but it’s obvious that’s a mistake when I collapse back onto the pillows, instantly exhausted.
The pretty woman rushes over to my bedside. Shaking her head, she gently pats the sheets next to me. “Oh, I’m going to need you to stay lying down for a while. No fast movements like that for a little bit, okay?”
I nod, but I need to know what happened to Jaxon. “I was with someone in the car. Is he here?”
She shakes her head, frowning. “No.”
When I try to ask her more questions, she walks out of the room, and I swear I hear her quietly sobbing. Is it that Jaxon didn’t make it?
I rack my brain trying to remember what happened, but it’s all a blur. I remember feeling something hit the side of my arm, and in an instant, my entire side felt like it was on fire. Then I remember Jaxon talking to me, but what he said is trapped somewhere in my mind.
My chest aches, but I don’t think it’s because of the accident. The thought that I won’t ever see Jaxon again or hear him tell me he loves me makes my heart hurt.
Closing my eyes, I can see him as clear as day. His dark hair and those deep brown eyes I swear could see into my soul. His tattoos all over his muscular body. His smile that always reminded me of a pirate’s.
No! I can’t think of Jaxon in the past tense. He can’t be gone. I won’t believe that.
“Tia?” a deep voice asks.
I open my eyes to see a man who resembles Jaxon. He’s older, but he definitely looks like him.
“Who are you?” I ask as another man who reminds me of Jaxon steps out from behind the first man.
“I’m Ryker,” he answers and tilts his head toward the man beside him. “And this is Cason. I’m Jaxon’s uncle.”
I may not be able to remember much of anything about the accident, but I remember Jaxon talking about his uncle. He had nothing good to say about him, and I think he said he wanted him dead. If I’m with him, then something very bad has happened.
Tears fill my eyes as he continues to explain something, but I’m not listening. All I can think is Jaxon’s gone.
“Please don’t cry. You’re safe here,” the older man says in what sounds like a kind voice.
“You’re Jaxon’s uncle,” I say as I wipe my tears. “He’s told me about you. He’d dead, isn’t he? You killed him, didn’t you?”
The two men shake their heads, and the younger one named Cason steps forward. “That’s my father you’re thinking of, not Ryker. This one’s the good uncle. It’s Victor Varens you need to be worried about.”
For the first time since I woke up in this strange place, I feel like there’s hope. But neither one of these men seem happy, which means it isn’t all good news.
All I want to know is where Jaxon is.
“Tell me what happened to him. That’s all I want. Did he survive the crash?” I ask, silently praying they’ll say he’s okay and somewhere I can see him.
Neither one answers immediately, sending my hopes crashing to the floor. “Just tell me! I’m stuck here in this place where I don’t know anyone. I’ve been shot, for God’s sake. Tell me if he’s alive or not. At least give me that.”
They stand there silently staring at me for the longest time until the older one finally says, “We don’t know. He survived the crash, but my brother had one of his men take him. I’m imagining that’s who caused the accident.”