Page 106 of Merciless Heir
I finish my drink and set the glass on the bar. “If it was true.”
Our gazes crash and I reach out and take her drink, setting that down, too. And I close in again. “Where is the tiara?”
“The jeweler, if it wasn’t Minchini, was talented enough to pull off his style and touch.”
“Like your Athena.”
She smiles softly. “Hers is only made to look old. From the necklace, the workmanship is of the right era and…”
Now she shrugs. “Whoever made them might have been Minchini or someone with more talent. Because they’re the best of all his jewels.”
I trace the shape of her lips. “And here I thought you only saw the one piece.”
“I did.”
“You said they.”
She moves in, brushing against me and places her hands on my bare chest. It’s an invitation and a dare. And I’ll take both.
“Maybe I stole back your tiara.”
“Did you?”
“Or maybe I just saw the photos.”
“Or you’re lying to me.” I slide my thumb in between her lips, into that hot, wet goodness. “I do know two things. You’re hiding something.”
The guileless expression on her face tells me I’m right. “And the other?”
“I’m going to kiss you.”
I move my thumb, running it slow down her chin to circle her throat with my hand, and then I take her mouth in a slow, deep kiss.
The world spins slowly when I lift up. And she’s breathing hard and fast. I’m already erect. I throb with wanting her.
“That it?” she asks, as she slides one hand up to my nape and the other down to my cock. “Or is there more?” And she squeezes me, making me groan. “I’d like more.”
“Come to bed with me, Sadie.”
And I kiss her again, this time a dark, erotic kiss that leaves us both shaking. I take her hand and lead her out of the living room and to my bedroom and strip us both down.
We touch and explore each other, taking our time, an urgency building.
Right before I lose myself in her, I know this isn’t over.
I’ll get to the bottom of whatever she’s hiding.
No matter what.
Chapter Twenty-Eight