Page 117 of Merciless Heir
“Fine, Now go away.”
And she does.
After she’s gone, I pick up the tiara, turning it in my hands. Yes. It’s better this way.
I don’t need Sadie.
I don’t need anything more than what I have.
At all.
Chapter Thirty
It’s been three days since everything imploded in my life.
Three days isn’t enough time to heal a heart. Three weeks? Months? Years? Decades?
I don’t know. I’ve never in my life felt this.
I look horrible. My eyes are red from crying and my throat hurts.
My father has been arrested and is on his way back to where he belongs. Jail isn’t teaching him any lessons, and the irony of the new sentence he faces is due to trying to blackmail someone who wouldn’t miss the thirty million dollars he tried to get.
He’ll land on his feet in there as usual, no doubt. But it isn’t my problem.
Three days and not one single word from Kingston.
I’m not proud of myself, but I’ve scoured print papers and online but he’s not really mentioned.
Yia-yia said go to him, but I hung up on her because…what am I meant to do?
I destroyed myself and whatever tiny nugget of something I might have with Kingston to save him.
I know what he’s like. And regardless of anything, even if this hadn’t happened, we would never work.
“You need to get out of here,” I mutter, and grab my coat. I fling open my door and freeze.
Kingston stands there, hand raised, looking like a thunderstorm personified.
He’s so beautiful I could cry again.
I scowl. “Why are you here?”
He pushes past me without an invite and pushes the door shut, then glares at me. His eyes narrow. “You’ve been crying.”
I hate him. I can’t even believe I cried over this man.
He slides a finger beneath my chin and his touch sends a shockwave of need and warmth through me. “It’s almost winter, not spring. Have you been crying over me?”
His soft voice and gentle touch almost undo me.
“You know, you could say happy birthday.”