Page 8 of Merciless Heir
The kiss is unexpected and so fucking good I kiss her back because why the fuck not? I don’t have to like the person I’m kissing. Just want to nail them and oh yeah, do I want that.
I drop my hand that still is light against her throat, the thrum of her pulse is out of control and beating hard on my fingertips like its own kind of dare or come on, and I rake those fingers down her side, under her coat to pull her even harder against me as I take control of this kiss.
She’s hot and wet and soft. Her tongue knows how to dance. And she growls low, a sound that slides through me and makes me want to take her right here and now and fuck whoever sees.
I kiss her hard, an erotic exploration and then I change it to something softer and more devastating, even as she tries to up the ante of where we are.
It’s cat and mouse. A game. And I’m not a fan of those…at least not normally. But this one. I can indulge.
I move from her waist, over the dip of her narrow lower back to her ass in the tight leather. Cupping her, I pull her hard against my erection even as I kiss her so slowly and light I’m driving myself crazy.
But I’m pushing her more. Right to an edge. And she grinds against me, her leather covered pussy against my denim covered cock.
There’s something about that low rated simulation of sex that’s so dirty it climbs down into my marrow.
And the kiss spins out into dark heat and the right kind of wetness, of tongues mating slowly, wanting more.
I let go of her and bring my hands up, deliberately brushing her nipples, making her hiss, driving myself a little madder, and then I take hold of her face, angling it so I can plunder.
It’s opened mouthed, carnal, and so fucking hot I could burn into nothing. And her hands come up along my arms to my wrists, and then I break it. Finally.
Resting my forehead against hers, listening to the mingled music of our harsh and uneven breathing, I finally say, “That’s not going to get you a discount.”
“You kissed me.”
“Let’s call it an experiment,” she says, shaking me off and I take a step back, knowing I need to get things inside under control.
I nod, sweeping over her body, and her nipples show like hard little points against the tight black of her top.
We’re standing in the shadows and if I hadn’t somehow sensed her, that same awareness that spread through me when she stepped into the bar, I’d never have seen her. Would have walked right on by.
Her mouth is reddened from me and not lipstick as she lifts her chin, jamming her hands in the pockets of her duster. “You were quick.”
“In realizing you took my wallet?” Somehow, I control the smile that wants freedom. I get the feeling giving her anything is a mistake. And I don’t make mistakes with people.
Not anymore.
If there are mistakes and missteps to be made, they’re to do with money, but those wild days are behind me, too. I use money to make money. Pure and simple. And if this doesn’t pan out, paying her to find what’s mine, that’s one risk I’m willing to take.
“Because,” I say, “if you’re talking about anything else more…intimate, I assure you only when it’s called for.”
“I didn’t ask.”
“You didn’t have to. Just like I’m not asking what that was about. Nothing more than a power play or a game. I don’t like either, just so you know.”
She raises one cool brow as those dark, fathomless eyes slide over me. “Call it curiosity. It won’t be happening again.”
We both know she’s lying. But strangely, I don’t want to kiss her again, as much as my body wants it. Those kisses riled and disturbed in ways I can’t put into words. “We have a deal?”
“This is an interesting job. I’ll let you know.”
And she slips out from in front of me and walks away.
It’s not until I’m in my car home that I check my watch.
It’s gone.