Page 93 of Merciless Heir
He starts laughing. “You sound like Elliot.”
And he sounds like a man completely and utterly in love. It’s annoying. “I’m not working for you. And I’m not answering your questions about your brother. I’m helping him with his project. That’s all.”
“Hey, the job is actually for real.”
Yeah, I think it is. The strings here are short and obvious and designed that way. “I know,” I say, pulling Damon’s card from my bag and handing it to him, “but I do apartments. One on one. You want an actual security business. One that makes them. I use them, and refer business there. Call Damon. He’s the best.”
We look at each other and he says, “You know, Kingston’s a good guy.”
“I’ll call the papers.”
He ignores my sarcasm. “King, he… He doesn’t let himself get vulnerable, but I get the feeling neither do you. That said, he’s got a lot there beneath what you think you see.”
“This isn’t a personal visit.” I step away, towards the door, then turn back. “And I think your brother can take care of himself. He’d also probably kill you for this.”
He only smiles.
“Are we done, Ryder?”
“Let King in if you think he’s worthwhile. I only ask you don’t play with his emotions.”
I rub a hand over my eyes. “As I said, I think your brother can take care of himself.”
Why people think they know what’s going on when it’s just attraction—sizzling hot, but attraction and nothing more—I don’t know.
“Yeah,” he says, “you’d think so.”
“This has been nice. Call Damon if you want the best security.”
I leave, trying not to run, and not knowing why, because damn, what Ryder said shouldn’t make me want to run.
Just like Kingston shouldn’t make my heart beat so hard.
Annoyed with myself, I drop by Damon’s offices and barge in. He’s half in his coat and heading to the door.
“Some people knock.”
He laughs. “I was going to see you,” he says. “Something’s going on. I’ve got a lot of last-minute jobs. Security is being upped for tomorrow at various places. Particular places. People, it seems, are heading out of town.”
My senses start to sing. “Time to get out of dodge?” I ask, keeping my voice light.
“No, you know it’s not that. And…” He shrugs. “It’s certain people. Ones I know you’re interested in. My people have been out since five this morning.”
There’s only one type who’d be heading out and want a security upgrade.
I wait because I know there’s more.
“And this. One of my people got this.”
He hands me a photo and a slip of paper.
I suck in my breath.
I need to call Kingston.
Kingston is at my place in record time. I’ve barely got in the door when he buzzes and for some reason my knees go a little weak at that savage expression on his face.