Page 1 of Free for Adventure
Chapter One
Amby grabbed her camera and drone bag with her small backpack in her other hand and stepped off the ferry and onto the largest of the Wonder Islands. She lifted her phone and checked the map. First, start was the dance studio. She was working on loosening her body up, and it seemed like a great place to start.
When she knocked softly at the door of the studio, a familiar face was attached to a body dressed in island attire.
“I’m sorry. We aren’t quite open yet; I haven’t buffed the alphas.” She squinted into the light of the late morning behind Amby.
“That is a critical point to the process. You should get on that, Hara.” She chuckled.
Hara rushed out with astonishment on her face. “Amby?”
“You’ve got it, cuz.” Ambermarle Dillard stood there with a backpack, sunburn on her nose, and a cheeky grin.
“Amby, what are you doing here?”
Amby settled in place.
“Vlogging around the islands. It’s a project that Ford got in his ear, and apparently, Emerald, Wonder, and the other islands in this chain have very specific festivals and attractions, so I am here experiencing life for the first time ever.” She smiled. “I am not going to partake of these offerings, but I can advertise the parties and such.”
“Wait, what do you mean experiencing life?”
Amby shrugged. “You weren’t the only one they did it to. I can actually walk with a full stride now. It’s amazing what we begin to feel is normal when we are told it is.”
Hara’s eyes watered, and she hugged her cousin. “I am so sorry.”
Amby dragged in a calming breath. “I would say it’s fine, but I had to give a deposition. Anyway, that is how your friend Ford found me. He tortured me into giving him some audio tracks, and when that was done, he asked me if I wanted to travel. I said sure, and he mentioned that this is where you were, so of course, I came. I have gotten some great footage during my layover on Emerald. Wanna see?”
Hara gasped. “Of course. Wait. Why are you here?” She pointed with her fingers down to indicate the island.
“I am doing the vlog on your new dance studio. Treasure Dance. Your instructors have to teach me to dance, island style. They have five days, which is the average time that folks spend here on the island, and while that is going on, I have to climb a cliff, go to a butterfly garden, and swim in the ocean.”
Hara felt the curiosity of her mates, and she kept Amby outside. “That is quite the itinerary.”
“I think Ford designed it because of my tattoo. Or whatever it is.” Amby knew about the questions that would follow.
Hara paused. “You have a tattoo?”
“Yeah, it’s really weird. Butterflies, a manta ray, and a waterfall. It’s like someone was drunk and put it together.”
Hara blinked. “Oh, right. Well, don’t mention this to the guys. They might know the ray and try and hook you up.” She paused. “Unless that’s what you want.”
Amby chuckled. “Well, I am a crappy swimmer, so unlikely to be the focus. Now, how are you doing?”
“Honestly, it was a rocky start, but now we work together pretty well. My mates are... well, the darkest one is Narro, the burnished bronze tall one is Kekoa, and the omega is Alohi. Kekoa and Alohi are the royal couple.”
“What are you, chopped liver?”
“No, I work for a living.”
They laughed together, and Amby came inside to meet the rest of the Treasure Pack. When that was done, the camera was set up, and interviews started. Amby focused on being natural in front of the camera.
After Kekoa had talked lovingly about his islands and the possibilities therein, the dance instructor came in, and Amby was off to her first lesson. She had an itinerary, and no one would stop her.
Illu was the instructor who showed her stance and position and walked her through the meaning of the dances that she was teaching. Barefoot, Amby paid attention to the master instructor as they moved around to island music. Illu taught the stories with the movements and urged Amby to remove a layer or two of clothing.
Amby sighed and pulled off her tee and then her tank top. The rigid sports bra was all that was left on her top, and Hara held her breath as the dance instruction resumed and Amby slowly turned.
Amby knew what her cousin was staring at. The butterflies were vivid and flying diagonally from hip to shoulder. The manta rose out of her hip, and from right shoulder to mid-back, there was a tumbling waterfall with a glittering cascade. It was vibrancy and colour, and you would have to be blind to miss it.