Page 15 of Free for Adventure
Ohno chuckled.
Amby turned her head and saw Violet with two scowling alphas. Well, one was scowling, and the other had a pleasant expression.
“Oh, hey, Violet.” She took in the lack of cuffs on everyone and surmised that they were staying in the upper village.
She stood up, and Violet came over for a hug.
“Oh, right. You are doing that project for Ford.”
“Yeah, and for Wonder Islands.”
Violet grinned. “Of course. Nice work covering up.”
“Yeah. Oh, this is Ohno. He runs the Ocean View Manor, and his sister has a boutique where I got this dress.”
Violet pulled her in and kissed her cheek. She whispered, “Do you know what the cuff is?”
Amby nodded. “Everything is zeros. It’s just for show.”
Violet leaned back. “So, you are trying out the Wonder experience?”
“Yes. I had to see and understand the night market to be able to describe it. I have a five-in-the-morning trip up a waterfall tomorrow, so this won’t be a long night.”
Violet grinned. “I am in need of entertainment.”
Amby blinked and backed up. “What?”
“Hold on a second. I will be right back.”
Amby yelled out. “Violet! Get your ass back here!”
The alphas in the area stopped and turned at the panic in her tone, and Amby clapped a hand over her mouth while Violet went to speak with the band leader.
Amby started to whine in panic, and Ohno stood and came over to her. “What’s wrong?”
“Violet’s going to make me sing.”
“Oh. Is that a bad thing?”
She looked at him with panic in her eyes. “It is a little hard to explain.”
A tap on her shoulder showed Hara, and Amby grinned and hugged her cousin. “Don’t let her make me sing.”
“Who? Oh, Violet. She’s a bit assertive, but I don’t think she means harm.” She turned to the alpha at her side. “Kekoa, I know that it wasn’t part of date night, but can you help act as honour guard for my cousin?”
He shook his head. “Nothing is easy with you, treasure. But if she is with Ohno, she is in good hands.”
“Fine. Can you be backup?”
Ohno blinked. “Your Majesty. It is nice to see you out.”
“I am trying date night with Hara. It will help Alohi ease off a little and get used to Narro.”
Violet returned and grabbed Amby’s hand. “Come on. You know you can do this.”
“I also know I can have sex, but I am not doing that in front of an audience,” she muttered.