Page 18 of Free for Adventure
“It’s inappropriate.”
“It’s what you need. For once, put that first.”
Amby looked at her. “Did you?”
“I tried to. Now, I am trying again with both of them. I have faith that it will work out.”
“Why what?”
“Why do you have faith?”
“Because the marks put on us weren’t to torture us; they were to give us hope. We have spent enough time being alone, Amby. You know the solitude more than most. So, now it is time to look from the past to an unformed future. Figure out what shape you want it to take.”
Amby nodded. “Wise words, dumbass. Now, how do I get this cuff off?”
“Find all of your mates, and your body will release the cuff. They are specially designed to keep virgins from having uncertainty. If their bands indicate strong enough of a pull and your own body agrees, a stripe appears. If that is all you need, your cuff will open. Where did you get it?”
“Ahheel gave it to me.”
“Yeah, that one knows if someone is seeking when she sees them.”
Ohno smirked. “My sister really wanted to be on her radar.”
“Not for her. There is still hope, though. There is always hope.” Violet put a hand to the side of Amby’s neck. “As long as we breathe, there is hope.”
“Right. Go hope yourself into a coma.”
Violet smiled. “I think I will. Call me if you need me.”
Her friend left, and Amby was left standing with Ohno’s hands still on her arms. She glanced at him. “I am guessing you have questions.”
He nodded. “I think we should discuss it in quiet, though.”
She sighed and retrieved her phone from its recording of the dance floor. “Right. I think this is a good start to the night market.”
He chuckled. “It was certainly interesting.”
They walked back to the manor and around to her room. She pulled the keycard out and opened her door. She went to the bar and opened a bottle of juice.
“What would you like?” She smiled. “You know what’s available better than I would.”
He nodded and walked around the bar and got a beer.
She took her juice and settled on the couch. He sat one cushion over.
“What did she mean that you know the solitude more than most?”
“Uh, well, my parents are religious fundamentalists, and when the realized that I was exhibiting omega characteristics as a teen, they had me sewn shut so all things hormonal and sexual were rendered agonizing. They left me the width of one finger. The inside was pleated so that nothing larger would fit. The idea was to make me so repulsed by the idea of sex with an alpha that I would lead a good and virtuous life. What happened instead was that I ran away at seventeen and never knew why I was constantly in pain. Hara just got figured out, and they found the doctor’s records that indicated who his patients were. Only six of us haven’t taken our lives.”
The horror on his golden features was unmistakable.
“So, they contacted me and offered me surgery to remove the damage and stitches, and when I could begin to move freely, I was pronounced fit enough to live a normal-ish life. And then Ford sent me here.”
“To have a vacation, to live a little.” Ohno blinked. “But he knew about your marks.”
“Yes. He did the research and figured that my matches were here somewhere.”