Page 26 of Free for Adventure
“Do you have time for lunch in the village?” Dorian skimmed out of his harness and folded and stowed them both in the vehicle.
“I think so?” She got into the passenger seat and buckled up.
“Excellent. I am going to spend lunch convincing you to let me see that tattoo.”
“It is a mark, not a tattoo. No needles.”
He got them moving and chuckled. “Fine. The mark.”
“I can just send you a photo of the mark on my back.”
“Put your number in my phone.” He handed it to her.
She sighed, put her number in his phone, and sent her a test text before she sent the image of her back from her own phone.
He took his phone back and hit the brakes. “This? This is the mark?”
“Yeah. It was the waterfall we were just at.”
“Yes, it was. And there is Ohno, and I am guessing at the butterflies.”
“So, Ohno is the ray?”
“Sure. When he first transformed, he would give locals rides on him for fun.”
“Oh. Well, that’s fun, I guess.”
“If he swims shallowly enough, you can surf on him.”
“So, how do you think he will feel about you telling on him?”
Dorian shrugged. “I can take him.”
“In the water?”
“Maybe I should ask you not to mention it.”
“Tough. I don’t keep secrets.” She slowly felt her arms stiffening up. “Yup. I am going to be jacked up this afternoon.”
“Maybe Illu will give you a break.”
“I doubt it.”
“You need to get into better shape.”
She muttered, “No shit.”
“But you worked your way up the rocks.”
“Yeah, but now that I don’t have a task, my body is screaming at me.”
“Ah. Well, at least tomorrow is the garden. I am surprised you got an invitation. No tourist has been up there in ages.”
“Interesting. Well, a boat will take me there around ten in the morning.”
“Sensible. It is technically its own island. It has a bridge, but that is closed for now. The water arrival is all we can use.”
“Oh. Well, they made arrangements for my transport.” She started to roll her shoulders, and they moved a little. Lunch would be the challenge.