Page 3 of Free for Adventure
He looked up and smiled. “Hello, miss. I am guessing that you are my missing guest?”
“Yes. Sorry. I should have come straight here, but I saw the dance studio and stopped in to start collecting footage.”
“It isn’t an issue. I have your key and a pamphlet of the sights in the village and across the island.”
“Thanks. Thanks, Illu, for seeing me here safe.”
Illu smiled. “See you tomorrow for another torture session.”
“I look forward to it.”
Illu came over and kissed her on the cheek before she waved and headed out.
Amby took her keycard and smiled at Ohno. “Thanks.”
“I will walk you to your room.”
“Oh, thank you.” She smiled. “I think I have an interview with you later.”
“When you are settled and dressed more comfortably.”
“Uh, this is my normal attire.”
“A sweatshirt? In this heat?”
“I don’t have a lot of body confidence.” She hid a smile. It seemed to be something that he didn’t hear often.
Ohno shook his golden and shaggy head. “Oh. Right. This way.”
He reached for her bag, and she surrendered it. The camera gear was heavy, but he could take her computer and clothes.
She took in the views of white stone and pale gold beaches covered with folks who had their bodies set to solar power. She got her phone out and took a picture.
“That is quite the phone.”
“It was a gift from a friend. I got a new SIM card on Emerald.”
“Smart. The fees here can be brutal.”
They walked past a number of villas, and she got one that faced the ocean and had a lovely veranda where she could sit and enjoy the view.
“How much would this run me if I were paying for it?”
He grinned. “Six hundred a night.”
“We do a lovely breakfast from six to nine.”
“Well, that takes the fire out of the wallet.” She chuckled. “Please tell me this is all prepaid.”
“It is.”
She exhaled in relief. “That’s a load off.”
He chuckled. “And to be honest, the room rate for this particular room is twelve hundred.”
“Oh, sweet cumquats.” She blinked as he walked her to her door. “I don’t think I will want to touch anything.”