Page 40 of Free for Adventure
She finished her juice, and then, her phone started pinging. Ford is trying to force you to bond with your mates. You are injured?
It was Serin.
Yeah. I came down on my left arm all kinds of wrong.
I am coming to Wonder. I will be there by the weekend.
OMG. Really?
Really. I have a family home you can stay in until you get on your feet, but I have to kick my sister out first. I have to do that in person.
You are really coming here?
I am absolutely coming there. Ford can suck it. Syar and Kekoa are giving me plenty of work. If you want documentary work, you can have it. I have ordered you a new camera and setup. You will be in business by Monday.
I have a major girl crush right now.
Get in line. I am very popular. Get better, let Skaay heal you, and it will work better if you are mated. Also, the orcas have a great house up the hill. They also have guestrooms.
No pressure.
Absolutely not, but the guys are good fellas. Very artistic, right up your alley.
So, you know them?
Yeah. The whole town witnessed my sister making a fool of me. They were all shocked that I left. They will be stunned when I return.
What is the deal with that, Serin?
The long and short of it is that my sister told everyone that her boyfriend had marked and mated me and then rejected me for her. It was very soap opera, but I was already registered in a college on the mainland. Business and media studies and researchers into my condition. I was always going to leave, but no one could consider leaving. I must be dead. It was the only answer.
Thera paused. Thank you for the way out.
No problem. I have made sure that no one declares me dead, whatever my sister has said. Kekoa has kept my home in my name. Oh, don’t tell too many people I am coming home. Thera imagined the feral grin. I want it to be a surprise.
I might mention it to Hara and Kekoa.
Fair enough. I will see you in a few days. Get ready to work. I have an idea.
See you soon.
Thera sat back, smiling at the ease of her upset. Serin was a force of nature. Just a few words and Thera was eased out of her panic and into staying.
When the door opened again, it was Kayak and Skaay, and the latter looked pissed. “You didn’t tell me.”
“You healed the break. Soft tissue damage is soft tissue damage. This was the least of the issues.”
“We are taking you to someplace comfortable. Kayak mentioned your hotel room.” He grimaced. “Not appropriate.”
He carefully eased her into his arms with her injury facing outward.
Kayak opened the doors for them, and Thera leaned against Skaay as she felt energy moving through her entire body. Ah, this time, he was checking.
“You hit your head as well?”
“Just a bump.”
“Kayak is going to write a report on why you don’t throw a fully geared-up diver through the air.”