Page 45 of Free for Adventure
She walked the length of the hallway and ended up in a morning room that looked out over the ocean.
Skaay murmured, “Maybe it was a right out of your room.”
She walked out of the morning room and stood on the deck outside, watching the waves in the distance reflecting the stars in the sky. “I slept longer than I thought.”
“You did. It gave the others plenty of time to shop. I have to say, I believe it has raised eyebrows.”
“We have spent a lot of time looking for our mate, and there have been no indications that one would ever appear, so we have become a local fixture. Unchanging.”
“Oh.” Her hair floated up on the night’s breeze. It moved with the tempo of the waves below.
“Your hair is moving.”
“Yeah, it does that.” She turned, and her hair moved around her like a cartoon character’s.
Orc and Kayak came in with grins, and they paused, their eyes filling with wonder.
Orc said, “Wow.”
Kayak nodded. “You said it.”
Thera looked at Orc. “The hair or the dress?”
He smiled crookedly. “You.”
Kayak nodded. “What he said. You look like every delusion that ever drowned a sailor.”
She blinked. “Wow. That is oddly flattering.”
He suddenly looked shy. “Are the clothes okay? Ahheel was laughing when we brought your other clothes to her for sizing. She asked if we had you trapped in here naked.”
Orc muttered, “I said that you were wearing my shirt.”
Kayak muttered, “I picked his so that it wouldn’t be too weird.”
Orc snorted. “And mine are folded and clean in the drawer.”
Kayak nodded. “That, too.”
She smiled. “I was in search of my phone, and I was misdirected.”
Orc held his hand out. “Come with me.”
She stepped toward him and took his hand. The walk through the house was fairly straightforward, and when she had her phone in her hand, she took the card and checked the authorization on it. It was blocked. Right.
She looked to Orc. “Can you dispose of this for me? The account has been closed.”
He took it and scowled. “Really? They abandoned you here?”
She shrugged. “Serin probably did it. She’s opening a new company and should be here in a few days.” She paused. “And I wasn’t supposed to mention that.”
He blinked. “She’s coming home?”
“Yes. Is her sister a bitch or something?”
“A little bit. Yeah. She tried to get her claws into Kayak. We diverted her. Now, she’s married and living in the family home.”