Page 48 of Free for Adventure
Skaay murmured, “Sorry; it is a side effect of the healing. If you mate with one of us, you can pull energy from them. If you mate with all of us, a healing will take seconds if anything else happens.”
She cocked her head. “So soon?”
Kayak snorted. “We aren’t betas. We don’t do a long seduction thing. We take a yes as a yes.”
She looked at him and cocked her head. “Yes.”
Orc grinned, Skaay sighed, and Kayak blinked.
Kayak stared. “Me?”
“Why?” He leaned forward and took her hands, getting her to her feet.
“You fixed my tripod and kept up a conversation.”
“And broke your arm.”
“Can’t be good at everything.” She got an unsure wave. “If you don’t want to, I am sure one of the others will chance it. I am not trying to coerce you into sex.”
Orc and Skaay muttered that they would definitely step in.
Kayak pulled her against him, and then, he darted forward and lifted her up so her face was even with his, and he kissed her, leaning back to smile. “Peanut butter and jelly.”
She blushed. She opened her mouth to reply, but he kissed her. He walked them down the hall and into a space of pale wood and the scent of lemon. She lifted her head. “Did you clean your room today?”
He chuckled. “Maybe. We are trying to make a good impression.”
She rubbed her cheek alongside his. “Impression is made.”
“You are not here to be a housekeeper. That’s Orc’s job.”
He set her on the edge of the bed, pulled off his shirt, and undid his shorts in a rush.
She blinked. Well, guys who swam for a living in the ocean were ripped, but she hadn’t anticipated that she would be in close quarters to one. His muscles were wide and thick under his skin, so she reached out to caress him. His body was lined for the compressing forces of the ocean, and it was rather nice to look at.
His erection was a surprise, and she smiled slightly. “So, that must have been a shock when it showed up.”
He shuddered a sigh as she trailed her fingertips over him. The conical erection moved and wrapped around her wrist.
“It was a definite indication of the type of alpha that I was. Your d—”
She put her free hand on his mouth. “If you want this to continue, my dad has no place here. Right?”
He nodded and eased the sundress off her hips, released her bra with a few attempts, but the panties came off without trouble.
He lifted her onto the bed and set her right in the middle. He followed her to the mattress, and she paused. “Can we have the lights off, please?”
He lunged up and flicked the lights off before returning to her side. She met his kiss, and his hands roamed over her rapidly.
The door opened and closed softly. There was rustling, and as a familiar body lined up behind her, she recognized Skaay.
Skaay leaned over her and whispered in Kayak’s ear. He slowed down, and Thera slid against him as her body got slicker. When he eased her leg to ride his hip, he touched her and worked his fingers into her until she was undulating against his hand. The curling tip of his cock worked into her, and she softly whined as he slid in. He moved slowly inside her, and when he couldn’t hold back, he shuddered within her, and she felt an odd pressure. There was no knot, so he was able to back out of her, and to her surprise, Skaay kissed her neck and slid in after Kayak, moving his hips slowly to a delightfully measured beat.
When she finally came, Kayak kissed her, and Skaay suddenly pressed into her, and the pressure happened again. Heat eased into her deeper than before, and she guessed at what was going on.
When Orc came in to carry her off to his room, she was sure of it.