Page 65 of Free for Adventure
Understanding hit. “Oh, got it. Let me ask a question. Hey, Orc!”
Orc turned his head. “Yes, little pearl?”
“Can heat be contagious?”
“Between omegas? Possibly, but they don’t often get together in that situa... oh, I see.” He grinned. “Ohno, you might want to give your beta a briefing.”
Amby was still pressed hard against Thera’s arm. “Thera, can you use the camera to take footage of me and Ohno when he transforms?”
“Sure. Can I see your camera?”
Amby smiled. “Sure.”
They moved, and Thera grimaced in relief. She was starting to be able to scent Amby, and it was a very sweet scent.
The camera was pulled out and was way nicer than the one that was headed back to Ford. “This is nice. Just a moment.” She looked up. “Ohno, are you going to swim before you shift or just,” she flexed her fingers, “bam.”
He smiled. “I will swim for a bit and then shift.”
“Okay. So, I will drop in first and do some footage.”
Skaay nodded. “I have your back.”
“Yay. Snorkel, right?”
Skaay looked to Amby. “Are you comfortable snorkelling?”
“Yes. It’s the only way I am comfortable under the water, actually.”
Skaay looked to Thera. “Well, little pearl, I know you are good to hold your breath.”
Thera blushed. “Right. Funny.”
They laid out their equipment and tested it all. Finding masks to fit her and Amby was tricky, but they eventually had everything that fit snugly.
Amby said, “You seem to be very comfortable with all this, Thera.”
“I was raised on boats of various sizes and have spent thousands of hours in the water.”
Skaay grinned. “And we will never miss an opportunity to get our mate wet.”
Thera groaned. “Guys. Enough.”
“That isn’t what you said last night,” Kayak smirked.
Skaay’s hand snapped up as he caught the mask she launched at Kayak. He sighed and returned it to her. “Sorry, Thera, we are still a little giddy.”
“Uh-huh. Giddy was three in the morning. Now, this is just getting all frat boy on me. And I can guarantee there will be no frat boys on me.” She looked at them. “Are we clear?”
Skaay nodded. “Clear.”
Kayak nodded. “Clear.”
Orc nodded. “Clear.”
“Good. How far are we?”
Orc chuckled. “ETA five minutes.”