Page 67 of Free for Adventure
Amby watched them from Ohno’s arms.
Thera looked at her. “It’s not too late. I can tip them all overboard, and we can make a run for the coast.”
The image of three pissed-off whales following behind the boat made her wince. She looked at them. “I can still do it. It just means that when I hit dry land, I need to be fast.”
Orc slid an arm around her waist. “That is an interesting plan.”
“I am full of fun plans.”
She looked up at him, and he grumbled, “We have to find a way to keep you busy.”
“Like what?”
He grinned. “Why don’t we get some of that footage you uploaded and do some splices? I have an amazing editing suite.”
“You are talking dirty to me.”
He chuckled.
Ohno asked, “Are we going to hit the secondary site?”
Orc nodded. “Yeah, we are.”
Amby said, “Time for lunch. The manor made it.”
Kayak took the controls, Orc sat with Thera, and they headed to the secondary site.
Four hours later, Thera was tucked between Orc and Skaay. Orc had taken some time with an underwater camera, and with her freediving lungs, she was able to sit on ridges, perch on coral, and pose in very natural ways, directed by Orc’s link with her. It had been remarkably fun. The orca hovering like a mother hen in the background added something to the composition.
She checked the images and laughed as they headed back to the village.
Amby clutched her hand. “Can I see you later?”
“Now that you have met Ohno’s other half, I think you will be busy this evening.”
Amby blushed. “Right. I will send the footage to Ford.”
“Yup. Just keep me out of it. My feelings are still hurt.”
Amby hugged her. “Got it. Can I see you soon?”
“We have to do some paperwork, but I will live here now. I think. Either that or I head to Emerald, and the guys follow me.”
Amby blinked. “What was in your contract?”
“I was in heat. The contract had to wait. There were demands made and promises extracted, but that was it.”
Orc chuckled. “The legal secretary is coming to our place tonight to work out particulars. The notary will have it in the morning, and immigration will have it right after.”
Ohno nodded. “They are already a sealed group. With you, Amby, you are gathering a lot of strays and loners. We need rules as we have vastly different needs.”
Thera smiled. “I know I will be seeing you soon, Amby. You will know if they are good if they move at your pace.”
Amby blushed. “They do that already.”
Ohno smiled.
“Then, enjoy it, and don’t forget your past, but use it to temper how you deal with others in similar situations in the future.”