Page 9 of Free for Adventure
Ahheel smirked. “Probably wise. It cuts into my bottom line, but don’t worry about it.”
“I am sure someone will be worthy of your super-secret stash.” She smiled.
Ohno seemed to have gotten himself together. “So, did you want to grab a snack before we do my interview and you prepare for the night market?”
“Oh, great. Wait. I have to pay for this stuff.”
Ahheel took her bag with the dresses and walked over to the till. She got the swimsuits and folded them before tucking them into the bag. The total on the pay pad was extreme but under two thousand dollars.
She paid for it, exhaled, and tried not to leave the clothes behind. The card went back into her pocket, and Ahheel paused. “Oh, wait. I have a present for you.”
“I can’t really accept a present.” She was ill at the thought of presents. Growing up had been a whirl of embarrassment, and she had to express gratitude or be grounded, punished, starved, or whatever. Presents didn’t make her feel great.
Ahheel said, “Please. I insist.”
She pulled a jewellery box from beneath the counter, and Amby opened it. A wide white and silver cuff was sitting on silk.
“It’s very pretty, but I can’t.”
Ahheel asked, “Why not?”
“I don’t accept gifts. They end up costing me.” She bit her lip. “I only went on this trip because Ford wanted footage, which I know is just a fake-out to splay me out in front of the alphas that are represented in my mark. That is what this whole project is about. Ford is an insanely persuasive matchmaker.”
“Ah, well, the bracelet is related to this. This is a patron cuff. During the night market, the locals interested in liaisons wear black cuffs, and the patrons wear the white cuffs. If they are both interested, the cuffs determine the price based on biological signals. The more interested both parties are, the lower the price. So, if you were interested in sex, you could chat with someone with a black band, and if they were interested, you touch the bands, and they light up. That locks the black band and your band, and no one else can join. It prevents tourists from going crazier than they already do. Oh, you can check on the stats of your would-be partner. There is a display.”
Ahheel pulled a black cuff from under the counter and slipped it on. “It’s powered by body heat. Come around here, so I can show you.”
Amby walked around, saw the display as Ahheel tapped it, and showed her how to navigate the system. “These are my stats. Health, experience level, level of interest.”
Amby was relaxed when she saw the level of interest was zero. Health was one hundred percent, and experience level was ninety percent.
“Now, just to see something fun, touch my arm.”
Amby carefully touched Ahheel’s arm. The interest number turned to eighty-five percent, but then everything changed. The display changed colour, and a new set of data scrolled up.
Health was one hundred percent, and all stats were zero. Interest was fifteen percent.
Amby yanked her fingers away, and Ahheel looked at her in surprise. “Aww, kitten.”
“I am not a kitten.”
“No, but you are an omega. How did you get out of the country?”
She stepped back and around the corner. “I am five foot ten. I am a registered beta. The Omega Centre is trying to put in new regulations, but everyone thinks omegas are teeny, so it is a hard sell.”
“So, you are an omega just wandering around a bunch of horny alphas?”
Amby nodded. “Yes. What they don’t know won’t agitate them.”
Ahheel sighed. “And only fifteen percent interested. That’s just light cuddling.”
Ahheel grinned. “It’s fine. I still got to touch you. Most alphas never even meet an omega.”
Amby nodded. “Well, thank you for your hospitality. I guess it is time for a shower, and then, I interview your brother about the manor and life on the island.”
Ohno cleared his throat. “Speaking of, we should get going.”