Page 18 of Love In The Air
He felt his lips curve up in a grin. A tiny flame sparking to life. The one he always got when facing off against this dynamic woman in front of him. She challenged him like no one else, and he wasn’t above admitting he liked it. Facing off against Iz was like a drug, addicting.
“I mean, yeah.”
“In your dreams,” she tossed back at him.
“Who got to take Kelly to prom again? Who was that?” He tapped his chin with a finger. “Oh right, me. She picked me over you.”
Fire burned in her brown eyes, one that promised retribution. “Only because you promised her you’d rent a limo.”
“And because of my devastating good looks.” He winked.
“Oh, that’s how you want to play this? Fine, first one to get the host’s number—”
Her words died as a tall redhead with gauged ears came in the front door, headed right to the host stand and wrapped her arms around the guy, planting a very not safe for work kiss on his mouth.
“Oh, um, never mind,” Iz muttered. “See, I told you he wasn’t flirting.”
As if she would ever know. Iz was terrible at social cues. She always had been. Which was the real reason Kelly accepted his promposal over Iz’s. He’d asked with a dozen roses, a sign with a pun on it. According to Kelly, Iz had mumbled something about going to prom together and rushed off. Kelly hadn’t even been sure it was a promposal.
Poor Iz. Wasn’t her fault he had more charm than her. Still, he was glad he’d been wrong about the host. Not that he begrudged Iz and any hookup she wanted to partake in, but something about competing with her for a date didn’t sit right. Didn’t feel as fun as it used to. Maybe they were maturing. Or maybe he didn’t like the thought of Iz with someone else.
He snorted. What a ridiculous notion that was. Why would he care if Iz was with someone else? What did he expect…her to be with him?
The thought made him pause.
He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t entertained a fantasy or two of him and Iz together over the years, but it was mostly one of those hot bang-your-enemy type things. He never actually believed they would be a good match.
They’d likely kill each other before kissing each other.
He laughed inside, shaking his head, pushing the ludicrous thoughts away. This whole “get along with Iz” thing was messing with him.
“Hi there.”
A bubbly voice interrupted his thoughts. He glanced up to see a tall woman with long box braids gathered in a low ponytail and a bright smile on her face.
“Welcome to Bernie’s Bar-B-Que, I’m your server Bree. What can I get started for you?”
He nodded to Iz, who waved a hand in the air.
“You first, I’m still deciding.”
“I’ll have the pulled pork sandwich with fries, please.”
Bree nodded, writing his order on the pad in her hand. “And what level of heat would you like the sauce on that? Mild, hot, or fire?”
“Hot please.”
She nodded, noting his preference before turning her attention to Iz. “And for you?”
“The same, please.” She shifted her gaze to him, the corner of her mouth curling up in a devilish smile. “But fire sauce for me.”
He shook his head as Bree left to put in their order.
“Seriously, did you just order a hotter sauce to show me up?”
She shrugged. “Hey if you can’t handle a little spice, it’s none of my business.”
He rolled his lips in to keep from laughing. She would do anything to beat him. At least she seemed to be playing semi-nice. She hadn’t threatened him with bodily harm yet, so he was calling it a win. Maybe they could be friends, real friends.