Page 31 of Love In The Air
“Yeah.” She smiled up at him. “Sounds good to me, but we should probably keep our extracurricular activities to outside the studio.”
He tilted his head with a knowing grin. “Why? Didn’t like the hoop sex?”
She’d loved it. That was the problem. She’d been so far gone anyone could have walked in and she wouldn’t have cared. Jen, Meg, the whole damn cast of the show! Thankfully the studio didn’t have any security cameras to catch their little erotic aerial act. Better they keep this thing away from situations that would get them kicked out of the show. And she suspected sex in the studio was a big no-no on that list.
She shrugged. “If that’s the only trick you’ve got in your sexual arsenal…”
He chuckled. “You haven’t seen anything yet, honey.”
“Do I smell cinnamon rolls?”
Chance closed the oven and turned to see Iz sitting up in bed. Sleep still heavy in her eyes, hair adorably disheveled. He took no small amount of pride knowing he’d been the one to give her such wicked sex hair. It had been two weeks since their “let’s keep doing this until we’re bored” conversation and he’d spent most of those nights in her bed exploring every inch of her body.
“You do.”
“But I don’t have the stuff to make cinnamon rolls.”
She didn’t have the stuff to make anything. Iz’s food supply was scarily sparse. He knew she worked from home and ordered a lot of delivery or ate out. He could understand that. Cooking for one could be a bit of a chore. But the nutritionist inside him balked at the thought. He might have only taken a class or two of nutrition, but it was enough to know how damaging all that prepackaged and fast-food junk was to the body’s systems.
“I ran down to the market on the corner and grabbed some stuff.” He poured her a cup of coffee, adding cream and sugar the way he’d learned she liked it. “You said you didn’t have work today and I quote ‘that means no pants all day’ so I figured I better make sure you had some food in the place since most restaurants in the area have a strict pants policy.”
Iz snorted. “Yeah right, you probably did it to keep me naked in bed all day and have your wicked way with me.”
He winked, handing her the mug. “That too.”
She laughed, accepting the coffee and taking a sip with a pleasant sigh. She was right. He enjoyed his time with Iz far more than he ever expected to. The sex was amazing. Off the charts. But it was more than that. He enjoyed being around her. In school, he’d always gotten a thrill from their silly competitions, but now he got a thrill simply by being in her presence. She was smart, beautiful, had a wicked sense of humor, and was a talented and dedicated aerial artist. And while she might not be the most socially graceful person he’d ever met, she tried really hard to be kind and connect with those around her.
Shit! I like her.
Chance took a deep chug of his coffee, hoping his mug obscured any realization on his face. He knew they were sort of friends now and most definitely fuck buddies. They’d come a long way since their nemesis days, but he didn’t think Iz would appreciate the knowledge that he’d started to fall for her. She’d either smack him over the head or run screaming.
Both options sounded horrible.
He tucked the information away deep inside to pull out and examine later. No need to ruin the good thing they had going.
“So,” he said, sitting on the edge of the bed. “What’s on the agenda today?”
Iz picked at some non-existent lint on the blanket, refusing to meet his eyes as she softly said, “Well, um, there’s a Little House on the Prairie marathon I wanted to catch before it left the streaming services.”
“Little House on the Prairie?”
She glanced up then, her eyes narrowing on him. “What?”
“Nothing,” he chuckled. “I figured you more for a monster movie marathon. Who knew Iz Grant was into bonnets and wagon rides? I think it’s kinda sweet.”
She rolled her eyes, a small smile playing at the corner of her mouth. Setting down her coffee on the nightstand, she brought her knees up and hugged them to her chest.
“I know, totally not my vibe. But my sister and I used to watch it all the time as kids because it was the only thing on that wasn’t news or talk shows.”
He knew Iz grew up in a similar situation to him class wise. But unlike his asshole parents, who brought the situation on themselves, making Chance and Cameron suffer for it, Iz’s mom was a hard-working single parent doing her best for her daughters. He often wondered what it would have been like to grow up having a parent that cared.
“Anyway,” Iz continued, unaware of the dark road his thoughts had turned down. “I saw it was streaming, but I haven’t had the time to catch it. I usually do a yearly rewatch with my sister every summer when we get together, but since I’ll be touring this summer…”
She’d miss her family time. His chest ached with the loss of his brother. The knowledge that he’d never get family time with Cameron again. He loved that Iz managed to spend time with her sister, but what he wouldn’t give for five more minutes with his brother.
Clearing the emotions from his throat, he set his coffee next to hers and scooted in beside her on the bed, pasting a smile on his face. “Let’s go then, John boy.”