Page 25 of Somebody To Love
Shit! It had been a while since their breakup, but he knew this was a hard pill to swallow for Penny. Especially considering her current situation. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side.
“Oh, honey. I’m sorry, but he was a dick. I mean even his name, Lance, that’s like the name of every douche in every early 2000s movie ever.”
She choked out a laugh. “I know. And I know it’s stupid of me to be upset. I don’t want to marry Lance. I…I don’t think I ever really did.”
Then why the hell had she said yes? Something he always wondered. The guy had been all wrong for Penny.
“It’s just…”
She dipped her head, avoiding her gaze. Hell no. They were best friends. She didn’t get to hide from him. Placing a finger under her chin, he gently tipped her face until he could gaze into her eyes. Captured by the deep flecks of green and blue swimming together with hints of brown, he had to mentally shake himself before he asked again.
“What, Penny?”
She grimaced. “I know it’s stupid, but it hurts. To know he’s getting married and starting a family. I mean, when he left me, he said…well, he said a lot of things, including that he didn’t think he was cut out to be a husband and father. He didn’t want those things.” One stray tear rolled down her freckled cheek. “Turns out he didn’t want them with…me.”
“Then he’s an idiot.”
“Right,” she snorted, rolling her eyes. “He’s the idiot. The last four first dates who never called me back were idiots. Every single guy in our high school who never wanted to date the nerdy girl were idiots.”
“They were,” he agreed, anger rising at the flippancy she gave this.
“The problem isn’t guys, BJ. Don’t you see? It’s me. No one wants to be with the woman who codes for fun. Guys aren’t lining up at my door to take me out to the latest tech expo. No one wants to spend their Saturday night with the person who likes to take practice Mensa tests to see if she can beat her last score.”
“Then the entire male population are idiots. Any guy would be lucky to have you.” His temper had gone from slow flame to hot burn. “You are smart, funny, and beautiful, Penny. And if guys can’t see that, it’s their loss.”
Giving him a humorless laugh, she patted his thigh. “You have to say that because you’re my friend. But I know what I am, BJ.”
No. She didn’t. That was the problem. Penny didn’t see herself clearly. She didn’t see the bright, kind soul he knew her to be. He hated she would think she had a problem when it was every other loser who ever teased her or turned her down for a second date who really had issues. Penny was a great catch, and damn anyone who didn’t think so. Her ex was a fool. BJ wanted to kill the guy for hurting her.
No. That wasn’t true.
His feelings of anger had started long before Lance dumped her. In fact, thinking back, they’d started the moment she’d told him she was dating the douche. Because BJ didn’t like it when any guy dated his best friend. None of them were good enough for her. Hell, no one was.
“I’m not the type of woman guys lose their head over.”
Maybe it was her vehement denial of her own worth, or the strange situation they’d found themselves in lately, or maybe because BJ was finally seeing his feelings for his best friend might not be so friendly, but in that moment, he needed to prove to Penny how much of a sexy, desirable woman she really was.
Whatever the reason he blamed it on, didn’t matter. In the next moment, he cupped the back of her neck and pulling her toward him. His lips crashing down on her mouth. She gasped, and he took full advantage, plunging his tongue into her mouth to taste the surprisingly sweet nectar of Penny.
For one moment he worried he’d gone too far, but then her delicate hands came up to fist in his hair. He’d left it down today. Her fingers tangled in the strands, pulling just enough to give his scalp a pleasant tingle, but not hard enough to cause any actual pain.
She moaned, or maybe he did. Damn, he couldn’t tell. All he knew was, holy shit, his best friend could kiss! Her lips were soft and warm. He could taste the warm burn of the vodka she’d drunk earlier on her tongue. An appendage currently trying to memorize every inch of his mouth by feel alone.
With one hand still cupping her neck, he brought the other to rest on her hip, slowly stroking his way up her rib cage until it rested against the edge of her left breast. His thumb swept out, stroking her nipple, which had hardened to a sharp peak, poking through her thin shirt. She gasped, thrusting her breast fully into his palm. Inside he roared with delight, but then she pulled away and he was holding nothing but air.
Large hazel eyes, grown impossibly larger by her wide-eyed expression, stared back at him. Her face was flush, lips full and wet from his kisses. Her breathing was harsh, matching his own.
“What the hell was that?”
At a loss to explain, all he could do was shrug. “I have no idea.”
Something passed across her face. Something he recognized. Panic.
Jumping up from the couch, she rushed to the door. “I have to go.”