Page 31 of Somebody To Love
Because this was important. Very important. This proposal could very well change the entire dynamic of their relationship. A small pinch of doubt halted his enthusiasm. Wait…did he really want to do this?
Penny tucked her hair behind her ear, a few red strands catching on her bottom lip, sticking to the gloss. His gaze snagged on those thin, fiery fibers hugging her soft pink lips. The memory of how warm and delicious they felt against his own made his mouth water and his body tighten. Aching with the need to feel them again.
Hell yeah, he wanted to do this.
The only question now…did she? Only one way to find out.
She gestured him inside, closing the door behind him as he made his way into her living room. He turned to face her, deciding the best way to do this was to come right out and say it.
“I made an appointment with your doctor.”
The worried expression melted into a bright smile. “You did? That’s great.”
“Yes, but I don’t know if I should keep it.”
Her smile faltered. “You don’t…what? Why? Have you changed your mind about helping me?”
“No.” He grasped her hands in his. “I just have an alternate proposition for you.”
“Alternate proposition?”
He nodded. “I’ve been thinking a lot about this. About how amazing of a mother you’ll be. How lucky that kid will be to have you in their life.” The smile returned to her face, blinding him with its brilliance. “I know you don’t want to get married, but I also know I’m going to be in this kid’s life, too.”
“Of course, I’d never hide your existence. We agreed you’d be in the child’s life, a support system, but I’m not demanding anything of you.”
“I know. But it got me to thinking. If we’re going to do this thing, make a kid together, why not do it the old-fashioned way?”
Hazel eyes grew round with surprise.
“Think about it. You won’t have to pay a doctor for any of the…tries. All that money can be saved for the baby.”
“You want to have sex? With me?” She shook her head. “But…we’re friends. We don’t have sex with each other. We don’t think of each other that way.”
“Really?” He raised a brow. “You think we don’t have chemistry?”
“Well, um…”
“Because I’m pretty sure we do. Unless that was a ghost grabbing my ass the other night in my office.”
Her face flushed, brown freckles standing out against the pink of her blush.
“But mixing a relationship with friendship is always a bad idea. What if it goes wrong?” Her gaze dropped to the floor. “I don’t want to lose you, Bravo.”
Releasing her hands, he placed a finger under her chin; gently bringing her gaze back up to his.
“You could never lose me, Penelope. And I’m not suggesting we start a relationship. Neither of us wants that. I’m suggesting we knock out this weird new chemistry thing we have going on and get you the baby you want.”
Her brow furrowed, fingers tapping on her thigh as she considered him.
“What will we tell everyone?”
“Who cares? It’s nobody’s business but ours. Besides, everyone was going to know the kid was mine.” Jackson genes were strong. There’d be no denying the paternal parent once the kid was born. “We’re two friends having a kid. Who cares how the baby comes about as long as they’re surrounded by love?”
She nodded. “That’s true. It’s not like I was planning on hiding who the father is.”
“And doing it this way will be much more fun. I can guarantee you that.” He winked with a smile.
Her eyes narrowed. “Now you sound like you’re thinking with your penis.”