Page 42 of Somebody To Love
She ducked her head. “I wanted to beat you home to…prepare some stuff.”
His grin returned, eyebrows bobbing. “What kind of stuff? Handcuffs and whips?”
“You wish.” She smacked him lightly on the shoulder. “Nothing kinky. I just wanted to change into something…sexier.”
He wrapped his arms around her waist, tugging her close until their bodies pressed together in the most intimate of ways. “You look sexy as hell, Penny. That dress has been tormenting me all night long.”
He dipped his head, nuzzling her neck with his nose, his warm breath causing shivers to dance along her spine.
“Mmmmm hmmmmm.” His tongue traced a pulsing nerve. “Had to cover a hard-on from hell all night long.”
“Oh,” she moaned as he bit down gently on the fleshy part where her shoulder met her neck. “I’m sorry about that.”
“Mmmmm,” his voice growled like a lion. “Why don’t we go inside, and you can make it up to me?”
Stumbling on her heels, she somehow made it into her apartment building and to her front door. She’d wager it had more to do with BJ moving them both in that direction than her actual feet moving. She fumbled with her keys as he did wicked, wicked things to her neck with his mouth. Finally thrusting them into the lock and turning the knob.
They stumbled into her apartment, saving themselves from a face plant only thanks to BJ’s quick reflexes. He spun her around, pressing her against her entryway wall while closing the door with his foot. Once the door had been closed, his attention focused solely on her. Sky-blue eyes seemed to gleam in the darkened entryway.
It was all she got out before his lips descended on hers, taking, giving, ravaging.
Her hands flew to his hair, constrained by a simple hair-tie she quickly pulled off and threw across the room. Once his strands were free, she sunk her fingers in, reveling in the soft yet strong feel. Much like the man himself. His worship of her body started at her face, gently caressing her cheeks, stroking the skin as they moved down her neck and to her shoulders, coasting down until his calloused hands cupped her breasts.
“Oh!” She pulled her lips away from the magic of his mouth to exclaim at the tight sensation winding its way through her body. “BJ, that’s…”
“Good?” he asked, gently pinching her tight nipples between his thumb and forefinger, the rough rasp of his skin heightening the thrill it sent to her core.
“So good, don’t stop.”
“Don’t plan to, honey.”
He wasn’t kidding. The man paid homage to her breasts, revealing secrets Penny hadn’t even been aware of. By the time he moved down her body to her hips, she thought she might melt into a puddle of goo. And they were both still fully clothed!
Grateful that his breath seemed as out of control as hers, she smiled and expanded on her statement. “Clothes. We have too many on.”
Lips curling in what could only be called a wolfish grin, his hand went to the zipper on the back of her dress. “I couldn’t agree more.”
With what she assumed was practiced skill; he divested her of her dress in less than three seconds. They hadn’t even moved more than two feet from her front door and here she stood in nothing but her black, strapless lace bra and panties. The set she’d specifically bought yesterday with tonight in mind.
After a moment or two of silence, she got self-conscious. She wasn’t the curviest of women. With zero hips, A cups, and what the kids in school like to call “Pancake butt Penny,” she didn’t have the best body confidence. His silent staring was not helping matters. She started to cross her arms over herself when his hands snaked out, grabbing her wrists, and placing them high above her head.
“Holy shit! You’re fucking beautiful.”
Well, that went a long way to improving her confidence. BJ rarely swore around her, only when he lost his cool. The sight of her barely clothed body made him lose his cool. Definitely a confidence boost. “You really think so?”
“What do you think?”
Then he pressed himself against her and she could feel the reaction of his body to her near nudity. Holy cow! For a moment she had a slight fear things might not work out so well tonight, but then he was kissing her again and all rational thought flew out the window.