Page 2 of More than Need
“While I have you,” Gideon started, “We need to get a warrant for—” He cut off at the knock on the door. He twisted around in his chair, resting an arm across the top of it. “Got an appointment? That’s a shame. Should I come back?”
“No.” His morning had been blissfully free of meetings. A rare occasion that he’d planned on enjoying before Gideon had sent him the report from hell.
Another of Riley’s detectives, Henry Campbell, said, “Sir?” through the door before knocking again. At least he’d finally learned towaitfor a response before flinging it open. That had taken too many months to get into his head.
“Don’t move,” Riley said to Gideon before telling Henry to come in.
The door opened only wide enough for another head to pop through. Had everyone started taking notes from Gideon? A terrible idea.
Henry glanced between Riley and Gideon. “Oh. I’m sorry. Are you busy? There’s a lady here that’s asking to speak to you. She said her name is Sadie Watson.”
He said it as if Riley would recognise the name. He didn’t. If it was case related, then she should have details for whichever detective or officer was dealing with it. It wouldn’t be Riley; he hadn’t taken a case for a few months, at least.
“What is it about?”
“I don’t know, sir. I brought her through; would you like to…?”
Riley pinched the bridge of his nose, praying for some kind of strength. He didn’t care which deity sent it as long as someone did. “Send her in.”
Gideon gestured at the door. “You want me to leave?”
“Not yet.” It might be something he could foist off on Gideon. As far as punishments went, Riley would accept it if it meant he’d be left alone.
Riley had never in his life seen the woman who entered the office. Not a case he’d worked or one that any of his detectives were currently dealing with. Brown hair, light-blue eyes similar to his. She wore dark jeans and a bright-yellow poncho. She held a similarly coloured beanie in her hand.
“Hello,” she said quietly, staring at Riley like she’d never seen a man before. Riley had a feeling his headache was about to get a whole lot worse. “Riley Sinclair?”
Riley exchanged a curious look with Gideon.
“Detective Senior Sergeant Riley Sinclair,” he confirmed.
She opened her mouth, then closed it. Opened it again.
“Are you alright?” Riley asked. Had she gone through some kind of trauma? In that case, she needed a hospital, not a police precinct.
“Y-yes. I just… didn’t know what you would look like.”
What helookedlike? Riley straightened in his seat. Maybe Henry needed to better vet the people he brought to Riley’s office?
Gideon stood and leaned back against the desk, bracing his hands on the edge. Shielding Riley. “What is it we can help you with, ma’am? The officers out front are more than happy to deal with any enquiries you have. If you’d like, I can escort you.”
“No, thank you,” she said resolutely. “I came to speak to you, specifically.” She spoke through Gideon, straight to Riley. Strike one; Riley allowed no one to disrespect his detectives.
Riley narrowed his own eyes when she squinted at him. Why did she keep looking at him like that? Who the hell had Henry brought to his office?
“Is this a professional visit?” he asked, keeping his voice measured. Why would she ask for him directly? Unlessabsolutely necessary, he rarely got involved hands-on in cases anymore. He’d dealt with a few in the last year for personal reasons, but they were all closed now. And they hadn’t involved anyone with her name or description.
“It’s personal.” She glanced at Gideon. “Does he have to be here?”
“Yes,” Riley said bluntly. He didn’t know this woman, or what she wanted. He didn’t do personal, so this had nothing to do with him specifically. Having a witness could only be a good thing in this circumstance.
Gideon crossed his arms over his chest, sliding even further in front of Riley.
Sadie took something out of her purse. A photograph, it looked like. Old, crinkled. “I’m pregnant, and I wanted to surprise my parents with the fact that I’m having a baby, and I was looking through some old photo albums, and I found this tucked behind—”
“I’m gay,” Riley interrupted before this ridiculous train could go any further.
Gideon jolted and whipped around to stare in surprise at Riley. Riley ignored it. Just because he didn’t advertise it didn’t make it a secret. He simply didn’t discuss his personal life at work.