Page 59 of More than Need
“What makes you think I need your permission to do that?”
“What are you waiting for, then?” Dawson challenged.
Riley fisted himself, hand sliding with impressive speed, and then cum hit Dawson’s face, a bit on his cheek, his lip, his chin. Gideon sucked Riley down, lapping up the last drops, cleaning him with his tongue and making sure none of it went to waste. Riley clenched Gideon’s hair, thrusting lightly until he softened in his mouth.
Gideon gave him one last lick and then went to work cleaning Dawson’s face.
“Need—want—some,” Dawson said breathlessly, turning his head so their lips could meet. Riley sank to his knees, and they shared him between them, shared each other with Riley.
“Do you think you deserve to come, Dawson?” Riley asked. “Or should we leave you wanting like this?”
Dawson’s eyes squeezed shut, and he reached for Riley, clutching at his chest. “No.No. Don’t you dare.”
Riley hummed and licked the shell of his ear. “How would you like to come, Dawson? Would you like Gideon’s mouth around your dick?” HIs lips smoothed over Dawson’s jaw. “Or his ass?”
Gideon’s ass clenched in response. Either way was acceptable. More than acceptable.
“Fuck. His—mouth. Mouth,” he repeated. “Won’t last long enough to enjoy his ass.”
Riley flicked his eyes up to Gideon, a blatant order far sexier than it had any right to be.
Gideon’s mouth watered in anticipation of feeling the weight of Dawson’s cock in his mouth. Acutely aware of the kind of need that had to be racing through Dawson from being so close to orgasm, Gideon wasted no time. He sucked and bobbed and stroked near the base, stimulating Dawson everywhere. He used his free hand to slide three fingers into his well-used hole, pumping into him as he sucked.
It didn’t take long before the pre-cum dripped steadily against his tongue, and Dawson yelled loudly. Gideon’s eyes found Riley’s as Dawson spurted into his mouth, experiencing it with him, together. The three of them twined around each other so deep they’d never be able to untangle themselves.
Did Gideon even want to?
Chapter 12
Riley had never invitedsomeone to his home for sex. The only ones who had stepped foot inside these walls were family and close friends—namely Quinn and Sebastian. He kept those lines separate for a reason. He didn’t want anyone getting the wrong idea and thinking that he cared about having them for more than a single night. He didn’t live a life that had room for anyone else, and he no desire tomakeroom for them.
He always left immediately after they were both satisfied and never thought of them again. He couldn’t remember their names or their faces. They didn’t exchange pleasantries, or numbers, or lie to each other about calling. Riley preferred it that way.
Dawson and Gideon made him feel the opposite. He didn’t have the urge to kick them out, remove them from his space so he could be alone again.
He could hear them out there in his home, just outside the door of the bathroom. Voices that weren’t his family, in the heart of his world.
Riley finished towelling off his hair and slipped on a pair of comfortable, soft pants, not bothering with a shirt.
Gideon puttered around the kitchen, mugs on the bench and steam coming from the freshly boiled kettle. Making himself at home. He looked like he belonged there, had taken less than a night to fill the space with his bright energy.
Dawson sat on the couch, one knee up with an arm draped over it, smiling, his own hair wet from his shower.
The entire scene felt… cozy. Riley had the sudden familiar urge to kick them out. Not because he didn’t like having them there. The opposite, in fact. A warning to heed, not encourage.
“I still think we could have showered together to conserve water,” Dawson said. His voice had a slight rasp to it, courtesy of Riley’s dick. Riley liked hearing it. Liked causing it even more.
“Then you’re doing it wrong.” He padded over to the bedroom section of the room and into his walk-in closet. He rolled on a pair of socks and found a long-sleeved shirt, tugging it over his head. He rolled the sleeves up to his elbows and secured them there.
Dawson turned his head when Riley ventured back out, and his eyes widened. “Holy shit.”
Riley frowned. “What?”
“You look like a…” Dawson cut off, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth. Red spread across his cheeks.
“Like what?” Had he put his shirt on backwards?
“Like a normal human being, I think is what he’s trying to say.” Gideon leaned back against the counter, a steaming mug in his hand. “You clean up nice, boss. Very sexy.”