Page 74 of More than Need
Gideon smiled, part wry and part startled. “Even looking like this?” He had to be a mess. Hair everywhere. Bright-red nose like a clown. Puffy eyes. Snotty nose.
That might be the nicest thing anyone had ever said to him.
Gideon sneezed all over Dawson’s hand. Horror and mortification warred inside Gideon, and he couldn’t think of a single thing to say.
Dawson snorted out a laugh. “And they say romance is dead.” He reached over and tugged out a tissue from the box.
“I am so sorry.” Mortification won. The guy had come over and fed him porridge, and he’d snotted all over him. Hardly an appropriate thanks.
“I’ll try to forgive you,” Dawson said sincerely. “Here, blow your nose, and I’ll go clean my hand. Do you want to have a shower before you go back to bed?”
That sounded like both heaven and hell. Hot water would be amazing, but it also required standing and doing things. “That depends.”
“On what? If you say rock, paper, scissors, I’ll have to warn you that I am apro.”
“You can’t be a pro at that, it’s a completely random game of chance.” Unless he was a mind reader.I’m thinking about your dick and having you fuck me in the shower.
Dawson’s face didn’t change. Either healsohad an incredible poker face, or he wasn’t a mind reader. “I think you can be a pro at anything. What’s the condition?”
“What? Oh. Whether you’re coming in with me or not.”
“I could be persuaded. Why don’t you make a head start, and I’ll come join you once I’ve cleaned up?”
That sounded so domestic and all kinds of perfect. The feeling of beinglooked afterwarmed him even better than the porridge had.
Except the person that stepped through the bathroom door wasn’t Dawson.
“Hey,” Gideon croaked in surprise. He hadn’t expected to see Riley, considering the late hour. Had he just come from work?
Riley paused in the entry, looking as pristine as he always did. His suit fitted him so spectacularly, like he’d been born to wear a suit. Black tie—they were always black—sitting straight and clipped. Slim-fitting pants. A belt that blended in. No holster, so he must have put his service weapon into the safe. Not a hair out of place.
“How are you feeling?” Riley asked, striding across the small space, his black shoes clickingon the tiles. He hooked a finger in his tie and worked it free. Gideon licked his lips, riveted asRiley undressed himself, revealing every inch of his perfect skin and lean muscles. He wouldn’t look out of place in a fashion magazine. Or adirty one. He’d fit into both, his appeal at master level both with and without clothes.
“I asked how you were feeling.” Riley opened the shower door and stepped under the spray with him. The next second, Gideon found himself plastered to a warm chest, light hair pleasantly soothing against the ache in his jaw.
“Like death warmed over,” Gideon replied miserably. “It’s a real treat. I would not recommend staying near me for any prolonged period of time.” He snuggled in closer in case Riley took him at his word and left immediately. He didn’t want that.
“Close your eyes and tilt your head back,” Riley said, ignoring him completely.
Riley poured something on his head and massaged it in. Tingles ran over Gideon, and the most incredible sensation burst over his scalp and down his spine. He moaned loudly. “Oh my God, I think I just died. I would kiss you right now, but I’m all snotty.” Better not to risk it.
“I’ll save it for later.”
Gideon stared curiously at Riley’s handsome face. An ice sculpture. No.Coveredin ice, not made of it. How many people knew the real Riley underneath? The one warm enough to melt that ice casing?
“Don’t open your eyes, Gideon,” Riley said, exasperated.
Gideon dropped them closed. “Sorry,” he said, grinning impishly.
“Did you take some medicine?”
“Not yet.” Dawson had been too busy hand-feeding him. If they kept pampering him like this, he might start getting ideas. “Riley…”