Page 87 of More than Need
“Simon, would you be a dear and perhaps say something before they get their torches and pitchforks and form a mob?” Theresa asked.
Simon, watching them over the rim of his coffee mug, inhaled deeply. When he spoke, he did it with quiet deliberateness, the same way he always did. “This family is the cornerstone of everything that I do, and the love I have for everyone in it is incomparable.” He took a sip of his coffee. “Family means loving, without limitations. We’ve already said that if you choose to engage in a relationship with this woman, then that’s your right, and we’ll support it.” He gave Lucas and Peyton a look. “All of us.”
“C’mon, Dad, you can’t be serious,” Lucas protested. “Who even is she? What if she’s a serial killer? Do you want to dine with a serial killer?”
Riley had no idea how they’d gotten here.
“It would make the evening more interesting,” Simon said gruffly. “And I’d still expect you to treat her with courtesy and kindness, just the way we raised you.”
“If you want interesting, we could do that without blood at the dinner table,” Theresa said.
“I’m pretty sure the last guy that Danny dated was a serial killer,” Peyton offered.
Lucas snickered, which turned into a half-assed cough when Theresa’s shrewd gaze fell on him. Good thing he’d gone into a career that didn’t require subtlety.
“The one I didn’t get to meet?”
“Would you have wanted to? Doesn’t sound like a catch,” Riley said, in an attempt to save his drowning brothers. “A hired killer at least has some form of morals.”
“They take money for killing people; how is that more moral than a serial killer?” Lucas asked, outraged.
“Business, not pleasure,” is all Riley said. He wouldn’t ever show them behind the curtain, or the kinds of people that he associated with on occasion. There was no dirtier business than keeping people safe.
“This is not appropriate breakfast conversation,” Theresa said. “I need far more wine, which means at least wait until dinner.”
“Are you going to see her again?” Peyton asked quietly, his eyes seeing too much. A strand of his hair fell across his forehead, and the lines of anger smoothed out. That didn’t mean the anger had left yet.
Riley couldn’t answer. He didn’t know. He didn’t want to, but time would likely make a liar out of him. Dawson madeseparation impossible, and soon Riley would need to make a choice.
Chapter 16
Watching Dawson kicking theball around with his son thickened Gideon’s throat. The wide smile on Hudson’s face, every time he kicked it and Dawson caught it before returning it, was something else.
“They’re really bonding,” Lucia said, looping an arm around his. “Good pick, Dad. I like him, though I wasn’t expecting him to be quite so young.” She gave him a sly look.
“He’s only five years younger than me; let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
“He’s very polite.”
“Because you scared the shit out of him,” Gideon said. Dawson had wanted to make a good impression, which had made Gideon feel a whole lot of things. Mostly involving getting on his knees, but other warmer feelings as well. Dawson wanted to make an effort, and that meant something.
“Who, little ol’ me?”
“Your height has nothing to do with how terrifying you are.”
She nudged him with her shoulder. “Being in love is a good look on you, you know.”
Gideon glanced at her, confused. “What are you talking about?”
“I know what you look like when you’re in love, Gideon. I saw it for years, remember?”
“I’m not in love with…” Gideon trailed off. His eyes returned to where Hudson and Dawson were still kicking the ball back and forth.
Lucia smiled warmly. “I’m not surprised; you’ve never been able to separate sex and feelings, honey. Mark my words: give it another twelve months, and you’ll be living together in marital bliss.”
“Three people can’t get married.” Gideon couldn’t think of anything else to say. They hadn’t been seeing each other long enough forlovebe part of the equation.
“You’re missing my point.”