Page 97 of More than Need
“Only—only you. The two—you.Please.”
If Dawson dragged him into an empty room, or hell, even the toilets, would Riley fuck him right here? Dawson would settle for getting on his knees. A quick hand job. Whatever would let him get his hands and mouth all over Riley, like, yesterday.
His need for Riley, for both of them, went beyond anything he’d ever experienced. He couldn’t go an hour without thinking about them, without checking his phone, without wanting to speak to them or see them. Almost like they were an obsession, and he only craved more.
Dawson froze, terror like ice-cold water pouring over him. Oh, no.Oh, no.He tugged Riley closer, a futile attempt to stop the train in its track. Riley turned towards the voice and sealed their fate.
Dawson couldn’t look, too afraid.
“What thefuckis going on here?” Sadie asked. The hurt and anger in her voice rolled Dawson’s stomach.
He didn’t mean for her to find out like this. He’d wanted to plan it better, ease her into it, try to explain it without it sounding horrible. Like he could make this soundbetter. He didn’t want her to hate him, and he’d kept it to himself for too long.
Her angry features turned to him. “Dawson? Whatthe hell are you doing with him? Sucking face?”
Everything twisted up inside him, like his organs were being turned into a pretzel. Fucking hell, thelookon her face. Surprise, devastation, hurt, and so much anger. He felt like the worst kind of scum. He’d done that.
He needed to say something. Preferably something good that could heal the hurt. That could do something to bridge the gap that continued to open between them.
“I can explain,” was all that came out. He didn’t know how he would do that, or why he’d said something so asinine, but he couldn’t think of any other words.
“Oh, come on,” she scoffed. “You can explain?That what, you were making out with my brother in a way that’s clearly not your first time? Oh, I’m sorry. You don’t want to be called that, because you can’t bear to acknowledge the thought that you have a sibling that isn’t connected to your own precious family.”
“Shut up,” she interrupted. “I don’t want to hear it. How could you? Has it been him this whole time? I’ve been devastated over all of this, and you’ve been laughing behind my back and fucking him instead of being on my side?”
“I said shut up,” she hissed. Her eyes went glossy with unshed tears, an angry red spreading over her cheeks.
“Don’t speak to him like that,” Riley said. “Whatever issues you have, they won’t be solved that way.”
Sadie whirled on him. “I can’t even begin to understand you, or why you can’t even give us a chance, but him? He’s my best friend. Judging by the look on your face, you already know that. You don’t get to ignore the fact that I exist, your goddamn fuckingsister, and then sleep with mybest friendbehind my back. You don’t get to do that, when you can’t even give me the courtesy of one single conversation that doesn’t involve you having me escorted out of your office like a criminal.”
Dawson didn’t know what to say. She had every right to that anger, and any apology he made wouldn’t be enough. He’d known he’d fucked up from the very first moment he’d kissed Riley in his car. Known and still kept going. Had fallen in love with his best friend’s brother, right under her nose. He deserved every bit of vitriol she spat at him. And more.
“I—” How could he make this right? He couldn’t. His heart ached, andhe didn’t know how to fix it.
“Are you done?” Riley asked coldly.
Dawson grimaced. He’d gotten used to Riley’s brusque conversation skills. Sadie didn’t understand it the way he did or know enough to look beyond the words to the warmth that lay hidden underneath.
Her jaw dropped open. “Excuse me?Am Idone? I haven’t even fucking started, you asshole.”
“Don’t expect an adult conversation if you won’t act like one,” Riley continued as if she hadn’t said anything. Dawson resisted the urge to slap his palm against his forehead. “What we choose to do has nothing to do with you. We’re neither your child, nor your spouse, nor your responsibility. In fact, to me, you’re nothing.”
She flinched. Maybe Dawson should have slapped his palm against Riley’s mouth instead. If his intent was to make it better, he was going in the wrong direction.
“Wanting to change that doesn’t make it so. Speaking to him like that is certainly not going to change my mind.”
“I had a right to know this was happening. For so many reasons that you seem so determined to ignore. Fuck both of you.” Tears pricked at the bottom of her eyes, and Dawson felt lower than dirt. He’d done that to her. He’d destroyed their friendship because he’d thought with his dick and kept going back for more, even knowing that it would inevitably lead to this.
Her mouth opened like she wanted to say something. Dawson braced himself for more harsh truths. In the end, she shook her head and walked away, her head held high, and her gait stiff.