Page 56 of Dawn of Hope
“No, we don’t keep maps. The island has a mind of its own. Things can change, and it is out of our control. Maps would constantly need to be redrawn, so we don’t keep one. Plus, if we did, it could easily fall into the wrong hands and lead Weston right to us. That would be a disaster for everyone.”
“Who is Weston?”
We walk along the planks just past the rope ladder we climbed last night. Dane beckons me forward and we step onto a different platform before he flips a lever, and the platform slowly descends to the ground.
“He’s the leader of the Castaways. He’s dangerous. They all are, but he is especially.”
We walk through the same dark entryway we came in through last night, and just as it did last night, I feel the same odd magical sensation thrum through my body as we step out the other side.
“Why is he dangerous? What has he done?”
Dane glances back at me. “This way,” he says, pushing aside leaves and branches. “See these trees here? There are ten of them that line thispath. This is the best way to find where you are going until you start to know the way.” He points to a very tall, thin tree that has an intricate type of pattern in the bark. “This is the only place they grow on the entire island, so we think the island uses it as markers so we can find our way back to safety in camp.”
I nod, mentally taking a picture of the patterns of the bark. If I wasn’t allowed to have any sort of pictures or notes, I really need to pay attention.
“We all know it like the back of our hand now, but because the island can change, it is important to know details like that. You’ll see.”
The more he talks, the more questions I have. I want them all answered, but more importantly, I want him to tell me how to get the elixir. Knowing how to get back to camp is great, but I don’t plan on being here long and don’t mind staying with him the whole time.
“Wait. You never answered my question. Why is Weston dangerous?”
We push through the last bit of trees and come out onto the dirt path. I am already sweating, thankful for the light clothes from last night.
“I don’t want to scare you, but you need to be aware,” Dane answers, his tone serious. “The Castaways are a gang of bandits and kidnappers on the island led by Weston. They’re vicious and ruthless. We don’t know where they live or where they will show up, so we always have to be on alert. That’s why we have the armory. Anyone who leaves camp can make sure they can defend themselves if need be.”
This was not a development I was expecting. I expected to learn about the island, and about the magic that fills it, then to turn around and go get the cure. Now, I’m starting to feel like there is more to this world than I first thought.
“Have they killed anyone?”
Dane shakes his head. “As far as we know, no. They don’t kill. But they’ve kidnapped many of us over the years, and brainwashed them, turning them against us and convincing them to follow orders.”
“But why?” I plead. This island is a place of hope and magic thatseems to know our exact needs. Why would it allow Weston and the Castaways to harm others?
“He wants the elixir for himself, and he will do whatever it takes to get it, including taking us and increasing his chances of finding it. No one has ever made it back to us once he’s taken them and sunken in his claws.”
The weight of my dagger on the small of my back reminds me I am armed and wouldn’t be taken without a fight.
“Is there a bow in the armory?”
“Why?” Dane smirks. “Are you a good shot?”
“Some might say that.”
“I didn’t realize that they trained castle staff to shoot.”
Shit. I’d gotten so caught up in simply being myself, I’d forgotten that this isn’t a skill most royal maids would have. I need to lie, but still stay as close to the truth as possible.
“I’ve had a bow since I was a child. It’s a skill I’ve kept up over the years. You never know when it will be useful.”
“Well, I’m glad you did. We’ll get you that bow tonight when we get back. Between that and your dagger, you’ll be prepared.”
He remembers I have the dagger. How could he forget? I basically threatened to kill him with it.
We approach a stone staircase carved into the side of the mountain and start climbing.
“What does he want with the elixir?”
Dane shrugs with a sigh. “I don’t know. I don’t even know how he got here, especially with his intentions. Besides,” he reaches down and pats the bag of golden dust hanging from his belt. “Even if he got it, he wouldn’t be able to leave with it. This is the only way anyone can get onto or off of the island. With permission from the Guardian.”