Page 6 of Dawn of Hope
Far too many times, Brynne has had to scold other guards for leering and watching us fight. They claim they are supporting theirprincess, but I think they just like to watch Brynne kick my ass. Most of the time, they are respectful, but every so often, one asshole wants to pick a fight.
I try to push everything out of my mind as I take the stance Brynne showed me a few minutes ago. Brynne looks much more relaxed than I feel as she stands waiting for me to strike.
I step to the right and Brynne follows. We slowly circle each other as I wait for the right moment to make my move.
“Get on with it already.” A gruff voice breaks through the clatter of the fighting from the other rings, followed by a few snickers. I watch Brynne’s eyes harden as she glares past me to the guards.
I find my opportunity.
Charging forward, I close the space between us and slash at her. Her gaze refocuses on me as soon as I take my first step, and she blocks the movement with her blade. Her feet move quickly as she strikes at me in response. I try to block her jab, but my feet tangle under me and I fall backward on my ass.
“Fuck.” I can feel the moisture from the damp ground seeping into my pants.
That is going to hurt tomorrow.
I push myself to stand, ignoring Brynne’s outstretched hand. She says nothing, just readies herself again. This time she makes the first move, charging at me swiftly. I sidestep and dodge, swirling around and swiping at her side. She blocks the blow and pushes at my extended arm, knocking me off balance. I stumble forward but quickly right myself, just before I hear the snickering of the guards behind me again.
Anger rises inside me, breaking down the walls I construct to block out my feelings, especially after today’s meeting. The walls are crumbling now, and I feel that anger boil up and over into my limbs. I can’t control my movements, I just strike out wildly at Brynne.
No control, only emotion.
She blocks my advances easily, knocking my slices out of the way.I keep charging at her, missing my strikes, all the while she remains cool and collected.
I grit my teeth and put everything I have into this blow. I want this fight to be over. I want the guards to stop mocking me. I want my father to trust me. I want the life that I had been waiting for, the one I thought was coming once I reached this final milestone.
Instead, with just a few words, my father dashed every fantasy I ever had about what life would be once I was of age to rule.
All the emotions reach the surface. The anger, hurt, embarrassment. I channel them into this strike. I spin my body, gripping the hilt of the dagger with both hands, visualizing the blow just as Brynne taught me.
My muscles pull tight as I whip the dagger around toward her. I let out a cry, like the emotions I am holding on to can’t stay in any longer as I slice through the air toward Brynne’s protective armor.
My battle cry is cut short, and I am suddenly flying through the air, my momentum from the spin carrying me and slamming my body into the ground. I taste the musk of the earthy soil and feel the grit crunch between my teeth as my face hits the floor.
Gasping for the air knocked out of me, I quickly spin onto my back. I know never to give my back to an opponent, even if it is just sparring practice. I find Brynne standing over me, the dull point of her sword held over the pulse in my neck.
I give a curt nod and before I have even finished, she bends down over me, pulling me off the ground and toward her. She wraps her sword arm around my back and pulls me close.
“Don’t let them see you cry,” she whispers quickly, her mouth close to my ear to ensure I am the only one who can hear.
It is then that I feel the hot tears running down my face. I don’t know what emotion these tears are from, but I know she is right. My soldiers can’t see their future leader crying when she gets knocked down. They don’t know everything else that is behind them.
I tuck in my chin as I step away from her and spit on the ground. I swat at my face, hoping to look like I am brushing off dirt angrily, not brushing off tears before anyone sees.
“Nice move.” I spit again, still trying to rid my mouth of the grit.
“It would have worked if you weren’t so in your head. What have I told you?”
I roll my eyes. She tells me never to fight with my emotions, but I can’t help it today. There is just too much going on, and I couldn’t keep it out of the ring.
To be honest, I don’t really agree with Brynne. As the future queen, if I ever find myself in a fight, I can’t imagine emotions not being part of it. Otherwise, I have been taught to find a diplomatic solution and avoid stabbing people with swords.
“I’ll try not to let it happen again. Today wasn’t the day.”
“Well, if I have to keep knocking you on your ass to get that lesson through, so be it.”
I narrow my eyes at her, a face that she returns, and I know she will hold to that promise.