Page 52 of Making the Save
“You got married!” Liam cried. “I’m here to meet my new sister-in-law. Hi Sydney Malloy, I’m Liam Locke and I’m the brother you should have married.”
“Hi Liam,” she said, reaching up to shake his hand. “That’s sweet of you, but I’m happy with the brother I have.”
She got that right.
“Holy shit, you’re shivering,” Liam said, once her hand was in his. “Let’s get you inside and into something warm.”
“I was already doing that,” I grumbled. But after Syd punched in her security code, Liam swept open the sliding glass doors like he was Prince Charming.
We stepped inside the house and the closest thing at hand was the robe Beatrice had brought me. I wrapped Sydney up in the fluffy cotton and she immediately relaxed.
“Syd, this is my brother. Who has about fifteen seconds to explain what he’s doing here.”
“Hey, I saw the interview and figured you might need some support. So here I am, supporting you. Sydney, I’m one of your biggest fans.”
It was absolutely true. Liam was a music buff and didn’t have a snobby bone in his body. He loved all of it, from classical to rap, pop and country. He even knew all the words toHamiltonandLes Miserables. He was the one who introduced me to Sydney’s music.
Showed me the cover for her first album. That torn and dirty white t-shirt, those green eyes.
“I have to say I feel a little under dressed,” Syd said, looking my brother up and down, taking in his outfit. My brother always dressed like a peacock, and today, to meet Sydney, he’d clearly put in some effort. He wore leather sandals, white linen pants and a silk lime green, pink and yellow shirt, that, honest to god, looked like the blanket on Sydney’s couch.
He also wore a hat. A straw fedora and a pair of diamond earrings that probably cost more than the down payment on my loft.
Like how was anyone supposed to take him seriously?
But Sydney was clearly admiring Liam’sfit. My brother used that word so much I had to look it up just to know what he meant.
“Is that Versace?” She asked, touching the sleeve of his shirt.
“You know it,” Liam said. He flexed his arm and winked at me. The jackass.
“Syd, go take a hot shower and change into something warm,” I said, because she was still blue. “This guy will still be here when you’re done.”
“Okay, here, you can take your robe back.” She shucked her robe and handed it to me before she made her way back to her bedroom. I was cold enough that I put the damn thing on.
“Wait,yourrobe,” Liam commented.
“What? They’re comfortable.”
“Tell me about it, I’ve given you at least three over the years. Which I’ve never seen you wear. Once.”
“Yeah, well, I’m expanding my horizons.” Sydney’s old pipes thunked and the shower turned on. “Now tell me what you’re really doing here.”
Liam took off his fedora and set it on the counter and ran his hands through his hair, sweeping it off his face.
“I don’t know? My brother got married in Vegas? Gave the world’s worst interview? And is being hounded by paps? I figured you might need a save.”
“I don’t need a save,” I said.
“So…is this a real relationship or some publicity stunt? That kiss in the ocean looked pretty real.”
I snarled at him. And my brother, who could read me like a book, appropriately read my snarl as…stop asking so many questions I don’t want to answer.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Liam said, and clapped his big hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay. I forgive you.”
“Forgive me for what?” Although I had a fairly good idea of what was coming.